
Saturday, 27 October 2012

Embarrasing Skin Problems

Everyone suffers from the odd break out, whether that is spots or blackheads. Nobody likes spots, personally i hate it when i even get an odd one, never mind a couple in one hit and blackheads can usually be a right pain. But there is know need to suffer there are so many products out there to fight against the newest breakout of spots or blackheads. I personally have not used the product i am going to feature, but i was recently told about Dr. Dawn Harper from c4 embarrassing bodies waiting to highlight the issue of blackheads and what products are best to use to prevent them that are on the high street. With Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub from Neutrogena being one of them.

Currently in the 3for2 section at Boots or £4.69
During research Dr Harper found -

72% of young women said that they’ve suffered from blackheads for over 3 years
       31% described their skin as ‘blackhead prone’
       And yet 48% have never used a specific product that targets blackheads.
         Many girls (43%) feel like they are left with unattractive large visible pores even when they do get rid of blackheads and a massive 67% use make up to try and cover up the problem.

     Disclaimer - I have never used the above product. This information was given to me by another, via email. I was not paid in anyway for using the information given for this post and decided to share it with you out of kindness but also for the many people who are prone to blackheads. This information can be useful lol.

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Kate ♥