
Monday, 1 October 2012

Cancer Research UK

Hope, Strength, Love
As it's the cancer research week, i wanted to be involved some way and show my support for Cancer Research UK. I lost my grandma to cancer, so its a something very close to my heart. Cancer is a horrible disease, but it's struck us all in some way, whether you have lost someone, had it and fought it or got it and fighting it. I decided to be part of the paint for lift for Beauty UK Cosmetics. By painting my nails to show my support for everyone who will/continues or as been affected by cancer in some way. I would love everyone to get involved by purchasing a paint for life trio which is three sets of nail polish which raises money for Cancer Research UK all in lovely shades of pink for only £5.99 every set that's sold £1.00 will go to cancer which will make such a big difference, £1.00 isn't a lot but it will go a long way. So please help by purchasing and you will get a lovely set of polishes as well as make a huge difference to many peoples life's.  

Hope, Strength, Love
Let's fight cancer together

BeautyUK Cosmetics


  1. Sorry to hear about your grandma, your nail design is lovely :), xoxo.

    1. It's alright, it's been a long time now. Thanks it didn't take long just put something together. I am useless at the writing part and trying to be near due to not having the right tools. I did two nails with hope and faith and had to restart cause it looked a bit wrong xx

    2. This will be all i am reviewing for a while. I have nothing, unless i open models own haha. Nooo i will wait. She said beauty box be here this week in my name i hope xx

  2. Great post! Thank you for writing about breast cancer awareness, the key to prevention is getting the word out there. So sorry to hear about your Grandma, I lost a friend to cancer as well. On a much happier note, I love your blog! I just followed, I would love it if you could check out my friend and I's blog at I am trying out this nail design tonight!


    1. Thank you very much. It would be my pleasure to check out yours and your friends blog. I think it's very important to raise the awareness on the month of cancer. Everyone can make a difference by purchasing many things where the money will go towards such a good cause. Thank you for trying the nail design i am sure you will do it much neater then me lol i just chucked this together xx

  3. I'm very sorry about your grandmother. I love the design you chose to put on your nails and it is a lovely tribute to your grandmother.

    1. Thank you. I just put it together very quickly i didn't have a lot of time. X

  4. Looks great. I'm sorry about your grandma.

    1. Thank you very much. There are some lovely ones have seen. So creative i just chucked mine together i do have the right tools to be as creative but there on my christmas list x

  5. nice idea! :) check out mine!

  6. I'm so terribly sorry about your grandmother. My husband lost his aunt to Lymphoma a few years ago and it's something you never truly get over but with support from other people and things like this, coping is a bit easier! I love your mani, I doubt that I would have been able to pull it off as beautifully as you did!

    1. Thank you. Sorry to hear about what you have encounted and your husband with his aunt. This is something i chucked together. I don't have the tools to do something very creative have come across some amazing ones mine were used with a normal polish brush. X

  7. Great idea for your pink mani. Sorry to hear about your grandmother.

    1. Thank you very much. I will after check out your blog looks like your a fan of nail painting too :) i am currently on a month challenge not to paint mine :) x


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Much love
Kate ♥