
Monday, 30 March 2015

What I Got For My Birthday - 2015 Edition

 So, on the 25th of March it was my Birthday... I had a pretty normal, down day. I was all healthy, walked all the way into town, had lunch that involved cake and well, let's just say, the healthy walk went down the drain and defeated the object of fitness, etc. But, who doesn't have cake on their birthday? With my Birthday passing and my in-laws coming down this past weekend, and bringing more gifts (yay for 2 birthday's), I thought I'd do a 'What I Got For My Birthday' post. I think most people like these posts, but a selected few don't so feel free not to read on - I know I love them! I decided to show you everything, choosing a selected few favourites was a struggle when I love absolutely everything.

 The main present I got off of my boyfriend was this Bella Extract PRO jug blender. I've wanted a smoothie maker for quite sometime and was happy to see this amongst my Birthday gifts. I've enjoyed using this over the last few days and found it to be very multifunctional - I shall do a more thorough review in a couple of weeks. Other presents I received were The Smoothie Recipe Book - this is a very simple, easy book - and a gorgeous bunch of pink roses.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Makeup Revolution - Hard Day Palette

I got this palette all the way back at Christmas and I was so happy to see it under the tree. There's always so many things I want from Makeup Revolution and the fact they are so cheap is very much a bonus. I, however, haven't bought from them for quite some time, sadly, due to the insane amount of spending (on others may I add) and saving we're currently doing. Hard Day is a mix of earthy toned shades, a couple of bronze/gold tone and purple shades. It's the perfect mix of mattes and shimmers. Inside the Salvation palette are 18 shades, a sponge applicator and a built in mirror.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Makeup Revolution Iconic Elements Palette - Review

 Today is my Birthday... I can hardly believe I'm 24 years old, a mere 6 years away from the big 30. I don't have many plans for Birthday celebrations, it being a week day and everyone being at work, but my Mum and Step-dad have invited me for Birthday tea and hopefully a piece of cake. I love to see Birthday Haul's or What I got for my Birthday posts so, of course, I'll do a big Birthday post early next week. Today, however, I bring you a new release from Makeup Revolution. The Iconic Elements palette's been out for around a week now and I've heard many, many good reviews. If you are after the Urban Decay Naked Basics and Naked Basics 2 palettes then this, I've heard, is a good dupe (of both) and at a fraction of the price at just £4 it's well worth picking up. 

Monday, 23 March 2015

A Sophie Kinsella Duo - Book Review

My Sophie Kinsella book addiction is swiftly coming to an end. Over the last couple of months I've read 5 out of 6 of the stand-alone books Sophie's wrote. I still have one to read, but decided it was time to start reading The Maze Runner series before the second film is released in September, and with 4 in the series it may take some time. My favourite is I've Got Your Number, a read I highly recommend.

The Undomestic Goddess - Samantha is a lawyer living in London. She works all hours, doesn't have a personal life and cares only about the partnership she's on her way to getting. It's not long until working all hours catch up with her, one that costs her her career. In a state of shock and the partnership down the drain, Samantha get's on a train and finds herself in the middle of nowhere. She's no idea where she is, and without any signal and a few to many drinks it's likely she won't be going anywhere soon. That's until the morning after the night before Samantha finds herself waking up in a strange bed and remembers she's accepted a maids job. Not only does she now have to pretend to be a maid, she'll have to learn to cook, clean, change beds and serve to the people of the house, all whilst doing curtseys and falling in love with the gardner.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Witch Naturally Clear Skincare Range - My Thoughts

Some time ago I was fortunate enough to win this trio from the Witch naturally clear skincare range. Now the bottle of face wash is completely empty I thought it was about time I wrote a review. One of the things I love about Witch skincare is how affordable it is, it's also widely available, being stocked in most Boots stores. I was sent the Blemish Stick - £2.70, Bursting Beads Face Wash - £3.99 and Blackhead Clearing Gel - £4.99. I've not had the best skin for the last couple of years, I've had breakouts, little pimple spots, you name it I've had it. I don't know why I have such bad skin right now, all I can think of is the fact my skin was relatively acne free in my teen years. Right now, it's not the best it's ever been, not blemish free, but it could be a lot worse.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

George at Asda Announce Wedding Clothing Range

I follow a couple of well known newspapers on Facebook and the announcement of Asda's soon-to-be Wedding range that's coming to George soon, on Facebook, was a little hasty. Like, 'urgh! Would you really buy any wedding clothing from George'. I say, why not? At the end of the day, that wedding is about two people, two people becoming one. Not everyone's got ten grand to spend on a wedding, some don't even have a few grand and in this world, with the economy being like it is, every little helps. Right? When I plan my wedding - if I ever have the pleasure - my most importance is we look nice, everyone's having a good time and I've married to my groom. Price isn't everything and expensive thing's aren't always what's best. Of course, I want it to be perfect but I'm not going to allow myself to get into debt to pay for it.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Lush at Winter

Sorry for taking so long to post this. It's practically 3 months since Christmas and the products have well and truly been out of stock since then. Hopefully, they release them the Winter of 2015 and you can check them out for yourself, if you didn't get the chance to. I was fortunate to get some of these at Christmas and thought I'd share with you a couple of my favourites. 

The snowman fun bar was a huge hit with me, not just the novelty of getting to build my very own snowman but also the bubbles it created in my bath. With this a little goes a long way and I still have plenty left to use. The fun bar can be used for washing and so on, but with this particular one I wouldn't recommend it. The black easily transfers from the bar to your skin, though it's easy to wash off, it may not be to everyone's cup of tea. The Pink Fun Bar is my favourite by far and the scent reminds me of snow fairy.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

My Latest Collective 'Family' Haul

If you read all my posts you'll of seen a few of the pieces I bought in a previous haul. I actually went on to delete that post and go on another mini spree, so thought I'd put them together in one big post. As I explained in the last post, a whole lot of saving is going on now, with numerous birthdays, holidays booked and an unexpected, rather last minute trip to New York next month (which, I'm super excited about), so we've not really been spending much on ourselves. It was nice to finally purchase some bits and pieces.

It's not often I find much I like in my local Primark. It's often the case I'll walk away with nothing but socks, slipper socks or pajamas's, unfortunately, that was the case again at the Blackburn store. I was happy to find these star slipper socks, they are a bargain at £2.50 and super cosy. It was nice to walk away with something other than leopard print ones. I also picked up this candle which smells amazing. It's a sweet come fruity smell and is presented in a good quality glass jar. Hard to believe it was only £2.00, and the jar will come is use long after the candles burned.

I picked up this wooden plaque at Matalan. I love the shabby-chic look. They are very inexpensive and also so beautiful to look at. It's amazing how something so simple can have a quote added and be beautiful. I love the quote on this one, and it was only £3

Thursday, 12 March 2015

I Heart Makeup - Pure Cult (Dupes Post)

 You may or may not have seen my review of the Pure Cult palette. This is one of the new palettes from Makeup Revolution's sister brand I Heart Makeup. In the review I happened to mention the similarities it had with both Naked 3 from Urban Decay and Makeup Revolution's own Iconic 3 palette. Using the shades I found to be similar, I swatched and decided to share with you this comparison post. 

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Birchbox March 2015 | with Habitat

This month Birchbox have collaborated with Habitat to bring us this beautiful multicoloured box, one I'm sure you will all agree is a keeper. I truly believe the box has been hit and miss from what I've seen and people believe this box is a let down compared to previous boxes. I can see where they are coming from in some aspects, this months box isn't the best Birchbox have previously offered, but it's certainly not the worst either. There's only one product, I'm personally, unhappy with. 

Thursday, 5 March 2015

I Heart Makeup │I ♥ Obsession Palettes in Pure Cult & Paris

Another week and more releases from Makeup Revolution, or their sister brand I Heart Makeup. This time five fabulous palettes. I Heart Obsession eyeshadow palettes. There's Born to die, West End Girls, Paris, Pure Cult and Wild is the Wind. The packaging is pretty basic and similar in style to the one's from Makeup Revolution's £4 range - except the layout of shades and the additional pink to the sponge applicator, which matches the I Heart font. These are a bargain at just £3.99.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

February Faves

It's not often I do favourites, but I've been so impressed by a few things this month that I thought I'd share them with you in a favourites post. The reason I don't do a monthly favourites is due to not swapping my products round enough - I'm a bit boring like that. Maybe, however, it will give you some inspiration to give my favourites a try. 

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Mothers Day Gift Guide

Is it just me who thinks the year is going insanely fast? March already? The countdown to my Birthday is on and Mothers Day is just around the corner, literally. Today's post is a little gift guide I've put together in the hope of giving you some much needed inspiration for Mothers Day. There is just 2 weeks (15th) to go until the big day its self, and with myself being a mum its something I truly look forward to as well. Now my two are at nursery and school age I love getting homemade cards from them and hopefully being waited over (never, ever going to happen).