
Monday, 30 March 2015

What I Got For My Birthday - 2015 Edition

 So, on the 25th of March it was my Birthday... I had a pretty normal, down day. I was all healthy, walked all the way into town, had lunch that involved cake and well, let's just say, the healthy walk went down the drain and defeated the object of fitness, etc. But, who doesn't have cake on their birthday? With my Birthday passing and my in-laws coming down this past weekend, and bringing more gifts (yay for 2 birthday's), I thought I'd do a 'What I Got For My Birthday' post. I think most people like these posts, but a selected few don't so feel free not to read on - I know I love them! I decided to show you everything, choosing a selected few favourites was a struggle when I love absolutely everything.

 The main present I got off of my boyfriend was this Bella Extract PRO jug blender. I've wanted a smoothie maker for quite sometime and was happy to see this amongst my Birthday gifts. I've enjoyed using this over the last few days and found it to be very multifunctional - I shall do a more thorough review in a couple of weeks. Other presents I received were The Smoothie Recipe Book - this is a very simple, easy book - and a gorgeous bunch of pink roses.

 The Benefit World Famous Neutrals palette is just gorgeous. I know it's a good few years old and not a new release but when I saw this the other day I instantly fell in love, the shades are absolutely stunning. The case it's self is a little bulky, but not to big and probably a decent enough size to travel with. Inside is a booklet with looks to create and to my surprise a mirror.

 My book mad self couldn't resist asking for a couple of books... Ed Sheeran: A Visual Journey - Ed is a man that fascinates me and his journey to stardom really intrigues me. How a man's stayed so grounded and down to earth, and just his journey in general. I love him and quite obsessed right now! One Night: Unveiled by Jodi Ellen Malpas - I was a huge fan of the first book and buying the sequels were a must. One Night: Unveiled in the third in the series. I do own the second book and look forward to picking up where I left off. Walk On By (Best Things in Life) by Stacey Solomon - After seeing the back of the book this sounded like a fun, light chick lit and my cup of tea. A short, easy read, with just 222 pages.

 Kodak Smartphone and Tablet Charger - I'm going to New York in a matter of weeks and my boyfriend thought this portable charger will come in handy. I also got a selection of Dvd's and Cd's; The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1, Love, Rosie (Mother's Day Gift) - I've watched both and loved them. Ed Sheeran + - The obsession with Ed continues. I got the album X for Christmas and didn't own the first album. I love the songs from the first album and didn't have a clue why I didn't already own it. Fifty Shades of Grey Movie Sound Track - This is probably one of the best movie soundtracks I've heard in a long time. Wkend and Ellie Goulding are amongst my favourites from the cd.
My Mum and Step-Dad gave me my entire spending money needed for New York and than my Dad gave me some dollars (he's also paying the costs of the entire trip. #Spoilt). I also received £ off other members of the family. I feel very fortunate and so thankful for having such generous and thoughtful people in my life.

 I've been picking up a few bits and pieces over the last couple of week and have a haul post coming soon. There's a selected few of really fab finds and slightly boring bits, but if you love hauls than I'm sure you'll like it either way. Expect lots of reviews in the upcoming future, from this post, too.


  1. Great gifts! I am very curious about the book of Ed Sheeran!


    1. I'll be sure to review it once I've had chance to read it! x


  2. Very lovely post dear:)
    xoxo Antonella <3


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥