
Friday, 28 September 2012

The Beauty Blogger Bunch Weekend Blog Hop

Thursday, 27 September 2012

More Nail Painting

It's clear to see how bad my addiction is getting. My poor nails will hate me right now, opps. How ever i couldn't resist showing you my freshly painted nails, using No7 Nail polish which is available at boots and there are so many gifts in the 3 for 2 christmas section that you can choose from. The nail polishes are amazing, no matter how busy you are they won't chip for a few days hence why i had to paint them again tonight.

This colour is Betty Blues

The polish as a slight blue to it, i would say navy blue but it is more black. Of course i wouldn't be me without a bit of glitter so i added e.l.f twinkle as a top coat. 

Right not i am loving No7 polish and the e.l.f twinkle.

Models Own 

Yesterday the sale for models own started, i ordered £107.00 worth of stuff but with 50% off costing £53.50 plus £2.95 P&P. I bought a ice cream sundae boxset for £15 suppose to be £30, Three Bettlejuice polishes, two glitter, a neon pink punch and a pink champagne with bits of foil in these retail at £5 each but i got them for £2.50, i got some eye application brushes for £1.50 for 10 suppose to be £3. A make up brush set with carry case for £7.50 suppose to be £15.00, a big make up brush £5 suppose to be £10 and a eye brow brush for £2 suppose to be £4, i think that is it.
I am super excited to get these when they arrive and as much as i like to review them straight away i can't. These are being put away for christmas from my boyfriend to me, i love nail stuff so thought had take advantage of the sale. Also i got the mirrorball box set last week which i gave to my mum to give me back at christmas also. :( Boohoo!! I thought the mirrorball would work really well with the ice cream sundae boxset as the colours are almost the same and will really compliment each individual colour because mirrorball is clear with bits of gem/foil in if you get me. I will explain more when i get them at christmas/new year. But just a little reminder of you who want to buy the sale ends 2.10.12 50% off whilst stocks last, so there will be no stock coming in if you have your eye on a certain something. This doesn't include mirrorball or wonderland boxsets because there to new, when i say new wonderland polishes aren't even out yet and mirrorball is out of stock anyways but will be back on the 4th of october online at models own and in boots.

Happy Shopping

This is my order which i got today, i can't believe how quick the delivery was only ordered wednesday afternoon. This is my sneaky glance before christmas, i really cannot wait. How ever one polish was wrong the Hed Kandi Balearic cool which is the one on the far left instead of ibiza mix. Its a easy mistake with the sale models own are sorting it as we speak. And my mums got the mirrorball boxset. Reviews coming in a few month :)

E.L.F Polish

As your all aware i recently received some free make up including two new e.l.f (eyes, lips, face) Polishes. Yay i was so excited because i just love my polishes. I received Smoky Brown & Twinkle. Last night i got the chance to finally use them. And these are the results.
This is smoky Brown on its own.
This is smoky brown with twinkle as a top coat.

 I found i had to use three coats for the smoky brown and two for twinkle. How ever a few of my nails have already chipped, but i probably put that down to being really busy and doing loads of chores today. All in all a good polish considering it's only £2.50 each. Check out my freebies by clicking here. And enjoy shopping at e.l.f by clicking here. Happy Shopping.

These are great choice of colours for autumn and the twinkle adds that touch of christmas so it's for the winter also. Purple is the colour for make up this autumn and one of my faves. I wouldn't usually go for brown how ever it is to nice to try something new. I prefer it with the twinkle but that's a personal opinion. I like the colour it's really grown on me.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Guess what

97 to go until 100,000 likes with models own and we will all get 50% off. So come on get liking, they deliver internationally, but you will after check the delivery prices. click here

Gucci Premiere

A few weeks ago i sent of for a sample and this morning i got it in the post, the new Gucci Premiere Perfume, anyone is entitled to a sample so check out there website for availability. The packaging was really beautifully presented in a small classy gucci envelope inside was another gold leaflet styled envelope made of glossy paper. On opening there was little sachet attached to the paper when you peeled that the perfume ran out it was enough to catch some on my arm and spread it out.

The whole idea of the packaging is to make it look like a invite to a premier, i think. Which i love.

I just love the smell, it's a very powerful sophisticated aroma, it's very musky but elegant with vigorous noted of wood and musk. The perfume is very strong on putting on, but does wear off.

I put it on at around 11am and i can smell it now ever so slightly though i really after put my nose to my arm to get a whiff. I didn't get a lot on my arm on opening which is probably the reason. How ever i do love the smell and will hopefully purchase a bottle in the near future. I reckon this would last majority of the day with a few more sprays then a very small sample.

Gucci Premiere is available at Boots
Prices are listed on the link above
30ml is £45.00


*I sent of for this free sample via Gucci's website the opinion is my own and i was not paid or told what to write by any person regarding this perfume*

Tuesday, 25 September 2012


E.L.F stands for eyes, lips, face a make up brand filled with fantastic decent make up at affordable prices, i say affordable because the majority of the products available is around £1.50 which is a bargain. I mentioned this company the other day and the fact if i spent over £15.00 i would receive over £10.00 worth of free make up, so i jumped at the chance. This was my first time purchasing from e.l.f and i was most impressed. I ordered on Friday afternoon, it was dispatched Monday and i had it this morning, fantastic speedy delivery. They were four bundles to get in the deal, you didn't get to choose which one, which meant surprised which i love. The colours were all to do with autumn and this is the autumn bundle i got. 

A eye shadow pallet with four colours.

A 2in1 lipgloss
 Two Nail Polishes
 and a love e.l.f bag

 I thought i got some really fab beauty products considering this was a freebie.

 I used the plumping lip glaze this morning it's a stunning mocha ice colour which is a very neutral colour of brown. On the packaging it says it gives the lips a beautiful healthy looking lips and for best results they say its best to wear with e.l.f lip liner. The colour on the lips is very neutral and not the easiest to see so if you want something that shows its better to get a more bolder colour, you can see it slightly though. I prefer this as i wouldn't usually go for brown, it's a great colour for autumn. You use the clear gloss first then the mocha ice, once the clear gloss is applied you start feeling a fresh sensation on your lips i guess this is the ingredient plumping the lips. The smell is a very strange toothpaste smell lol. This is only £1.50.

I have yet to use this on my eyes, but i am loving the neutral colours once again, i can see why this is in the autumn bundle. The colours remind me of crispy autumn leafs. Unfortunately the colours don't have individual names but the pallet altogether is called Hazy Hazel. This is also only £1.50 - will review when used.

Such a pro with my line paper - NOT!! Major fail lol.
  I got these two nail polishes which i am so happy with the smoky brown is just perfect for autumn, my bundle said i was suppose to get a clear polish but i ended up with the twinkle which is a sparkly clear nail polish. Despite me running out of clear i couldn't be more happier i got this. I haven't used the smoky brown yet but judging on the sample i put on the paper i reckon this will need two coats. The twinkle i have tried on one nail and i love it already it really adds some edge and glam to my nails, it will see my right into winter and christmas because its perfect for christmas time. £2.50 each - again will do a review when done on nails.

So they were my freebies, what do you think?

I love the colours so autumn.

Click here to check them out E.L.F

E.L.F have a £25.00 off when you have minimum spend of £50.00
So you can get £50.00 worth of make up for £25.00, how fab is that. This only lasts two days with the code SEPT50 so you need to be quick.

Happy Shopping

*These products were free in a spend over £15.00 offer, all reviews are my honest opinion*

No7 Stay Perfect Polish

Have had the No7 Stay Perfect Polish for quite a while now, they come in a set of five/six colours. I got them one year for Christmas and this is my second set have had, even though have used most of the polishes up. I thought now would be a good time to blog about them because have truly experimented and have never done a No7 polish before. The colour i am going to do is Totally Teal.

When i first got this i wasn't totally sure about the colour have always been a pink/purples sorta girl. But as have experimented more with my nails this as really grown on me, i really like the colour and i added some sparkles for a bit of glam.

The glitter polish as become a fav of mine and it was only 99p/£1.49 (which have told you before) it's a technic polish and looks perfect with the Totally teal.

Totally teal, is easy to apply without no lumps or bumps, i did two coats but you could get away with one depending on how thickly you applied the first coat. It does take a bit of time to dry, when i felt my nail after a while i felt a slight wetness to it so i didn't dare move. But so far so good, not one chip :) Will defiantly being buying some more in the near future. I received them as a gift but you can buy them at boots in the three for two christmas deal, this is a great idea to treat yourself with the freebie and buy others for christmas as well as stocking up on advantage points. *Check Boots online*

Models own - Reminder

As you are aware there is to be a sale with Models Own of an incredible 50% off and as you are all aware i said i wouldn't mention it again. That was before i knew they were running a competition at 98,000 likes on facebook which they just hit. There giving away a staggering 100 bottles of Models Own nail polish, serious woah for you nail polish addicts worth an amazing £500. The competition is international so get entering it's so simple, like the page, share the competition and comment with Models Own Sale.

There is only until the 30th of september to hit 100,000 likes so click here to like, you after have a facebook account to do so. Remember you only have until this sunday. There on 98,130 so far.

P.S have been really naughty and not kept to my promise of not painting my nails, in fact have painted them three times since i promised not too. So this promise is broken i will just after to do it when i have the determination not to. Hehe sorry x

Monday, 24 September 2012

Lissele Jewellery

This afternoon i received these stunning pair of earrings from Lissele Jewellery 

So i had a little sneaky look at lissele jewellery and i was completely amazed by so many pieces that i could of spent a fortune. Obviously i put some details in for the free pair, i thought had missed out so i were kinda shocked to find them behind the door. But what a great little treat. The sight is basically aimed at teen's great jewellery at affordable prices, but i think anyone can get jewellery here the prices are great and there is some lovely stuff so check it out. I don't really have any studs because i am a hoops and feather earrings kinda gal. So i am happy to have these added to my collection and look forward to wearing them.

This is was a giveaway to the general public of 200+ people, i was fortunate to get a pair. Opinion is by me :)

Saturday, 22 September 2012

ELF Cosmetics

So for a month or so have had in my head a lovely idea for my sisters 17th birthday. Have been getting super excited to sort it, its nothing completely amazing but i just love the idea of it for her. I won't give it away in case she comes across this. But more to the point her birthdays not until the 19th of december, eckk!! But yesterday i got an email from ELF aka eyes, lips, face. Saying if i spend £15 or more i would get a load of make up freebies worth over £10. I just couldn't pass the opp so as an excuse i ordered a few things to do with my sisters b'day pressie to get the freebies for myself. Obvs i would never give my sister free items for her b'day. So i thought had let you all know in case you want to order anything so you can also enjoy the freebies. Remember a minimum spend of £15 to recieve free make up plus bag worth over £10.00 theres four to get but there choose by the person packing your purchase. This offer is only available for a few more hours. Happy Shopping xxx

The Beauty Blogger Bunch Weekend Blog Hop

Join in by adding your link below, discover new blogs & make new friends

Friday, 21 September 2012

Reminder - Models own

Don't worry this will be my last post on Models Own. I promise, at least until they hit the 100,000 mark. So as you are aware Models Own are doing a 50% off sale when they hit 100,000 likes, to do so you need to chip in by clicking here and pressing like.

They have just hit the 95,000 mark and have a seriously amazing competition, £180 worth of nail polish. Perfect for you nail addict, right? But that is not all there are ten runner up prizes of the sold out Mirrorball boxset, so get liking and get entering. The give away is international.

I have high hopes they will hit 100,000 and they need to do so for the 50% sale, this need's to happen before 30.09.2012 which is a week sunday coming up.

The sale excludes any product that's already part of a sale. The Mirrorball boxset *which is already out of stock, but don't worry will be available october 3rd in boots stores nation wide as well as back online on the models own website. Or a wonderland polishes which are not yet available, something new coming out, woo.*

Remember get liking & spread the word

Happy Shopping

Why do people feel the need to airbrush? What happened to natural beauty.

Today i came across a post that i feel completely strong about and that is airbrushing.

I am a young girl who every week buys magazines, i love reading about the celeb world and the latest beauty must haves and fashion. I look at the girls modelling these clothes etc and envy them because they just look so gorgeous and then i remember there is nothing real about them at all because bit's of there face have been chopped off using a airbrushing program to make them look perfect. I don't understand why some feel the need to change someones face or body weight, we are buying the product not the model. And i just want to make a stand that nobody is perfect, i personally would love to see celebs and real woman in magazines that have not been airbrushed.

What happened to natural beauty?
What happened to Curves?

There is nothing appealing about very stick thin woman who young girls are looking at for inspiration and end up becoming ill because of it, because the image there looking at is not real. They need a normal girl, with a normal body to look up to, instead of the fake image the media occasionally portrays.

I personally would love to see a magazine do a spread of normal, real woman who aren't in the modelling business to be in ad's or model clothes without airbrushing.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Celeb World

Celeb world is a little mini online magazine coming from me talking about in's and out's of what the celebs have been up to in the celeb world. It's something new and will happen every once in a while, where i will just have a good old chit chat about what's been printed etc and fashion.

I know there as been a huge debate about the publication of them topless photo's of Kate Middleton and just last month it was Prince Harry in the spot light. But seriously, isn't everyone entitled to some privacy whether then in the public eye or not. Well i think so. The royal's had very high coverage of there wedding, where they let the whole world in and enjoy there special moment. I think the pap's should respect that the royals devote a lot of time to there chosen charities which the media are always involved in to spread the word but should also, respect there privacy when they ask for it. They were not in a public area when these photos were taken. As for prince Harry, i think it's quite refreshing to find that someone in the royal family is actually quite normal and just like the rest of us, think it's safe to say what happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas.

Congratulations Robbie William's

A huge congratulation's to Robbie and his wife Ava on the birth of there daughter Theodora Rose, there first child together. What do you all think of the name ?? 

I after say, have been such a huge fan of Kelly Brook's collection of clothing for NewLook since last season. The print's SS12 were very cute and girly. This season i find them, very lady like with a bit of a edge and very flirty. Which is fantastic for a night out. I love these shoes and matching clutch, the prices are amazing which is great for affordable high street fashion.

Models own - Everyone's raving about Model's Own in the blogging world, i had never heard of them until recently and now i am slightly obsessed. I haven't purchased any products yet, but i have my eye on loads of goodies i would love for Christmas. All nail polish stuff, naughty me but these include Glitter Boxset, Ice cream sundae boxset, champagne boxset and the new mirrorball boxset these boxsets all retail at £30.00 but are currently on offer for £20 each. As you will all know by an earlier post, they are currently having give away for likes on facebook the next one is at 95,000 but the biggest give away is going to be at 100,000 likes where we all get 50% off, fingers crossed the public make this happen there not far off 95,000 now but they need to get to 100,000 by the 31st of this month else 50% off won't happen. The boxsets will all go back to £30 if this happens therefore they will sell for £15 but the mirrorball boxset is so new it's not part of the sale so will stay at £30 so you need to buy now whilst it's at £20.00 this is the one all the bloggers are raving about and i can see exactly why. It's a mix of beautiful shades of bold colours it's a clear coat but it really adds some edge to your nails as well as jazzing them up. I will be highly disappointed if they don't get to 100,000 as i have my heart set on this sale lol. So like like like people, it's international 

Website i am loving The book people - Affordable book's for people of all ages. I love this website for my two children. I can't wait to get ordering for Christmas. Yes we are in september but the years going so fast it will be christmas before we know it, so nothing like a bit of early planning especially with the size of my family lol. Check them out :)

Well that's just a few little interests that have had people going in celeb world, with a touch of beauty and fashion on the side lol. Enjoy

*Would just like to also take the time to say a few words about my blog. Everything i write is by me Kate, i have never been approached to write any of the information to each product or website, etc i choose to review. All products are bought with my own money, unless i state they haven't for example, competitions that i have won or samples i got sent in the post. I will never write anything someone else tells me too and it will always be my 100% honest opinion. I have nothing to hide and if i was approached for a sponsor etc i will fully let you all know, thank you.*

Nail Polish

If you have been following me for a while you will all know i am slightly, nail obsessed. I don't pretend that i am fab at it, but i try my best at creating cool nail art and painting my nails. I suck loads at trying to attempt to give my nails a break, because to be quite frank i look at them with no polish on and before i know it the polish is out and i am painting them. And now have done it again and this is no different, i tried to give them a break and failed miserably.

A while back i bought like 19 nail varnishes in one day, yes you so correct 19, eckk!! Anyways have tried them all on numerous occasions and some are better then others, but today i decided to review two of them.

I bought both of these from a really good beauty shop, it's such good value for money that place i love it. Unfortunately i have no idea what the name is, i keep forgetting as i don't get to visit often because it's in another town. But you may find it on a previous post. Which is the one when i bought 19 polishes, it's in Blackburn, UK shopping mall. Each of these polishes were between 99p/£1.49, there not well known make up brands but i quite like technic polish from the cheaper side.

Here is what i did -

*Slightly messy due to not cleaning up*

So i started off with the Body collection pink polish, which is the left one on the pic at the top of the page. This polish isn't as pink as it looks in the picture, therefore you after build the colour up. This need's at least three coats for it to go a lovely pink colour. I decided then to put on a glittery blue which is the technic colour on the right, it's a pale clear/blue polish so is perfect for a top coat with sheers of blue glitter in, this only needed one coat as you get quite a bit of glitter from one stroke. I think it makes a good top coat because it feels fairly smooth compared to the usual glittery ones where they can feel slightly bumpy, it does go a slightly different shade of colour once applied a purple colour, as by the pic you can see some nails look more blue then others that's due to the blue glitter where i put to much on the brush. Now to the extremely annoying part ever get them polishes where you think its dry it feels dry and then you touch something and it smudges or goes funny, well this is what happened, i waited for a while for them to dry too which is really annoying. But i can't take it off now because have no nail polish remover so will after wait until my boyfriend finishes work and goes buy me some.

So here is my promise as soon as have taken this polish off i am going to give my nails a break for at least a week. 

Monday, 17 September 2012

Changed my blog again -

I decided to change my blog again, i want something that isn't so in your face. Before i thought bit plain, last time with the leopard print i thought woah. After once again looking at other peoples blog's have decided the blogs that are natural looking and not a lot happening in the background are the nicer ones. I really want something like that but with a bit of a twist because i like something with a bit of colour etc. So that is why have changed it again, i am still unsure because i am so picky. So i want you to all tell me the whole trust and nothing but the truth. Please?? About everything from the font to the colour so i can take on board what you want from my blog because you all look at it more then i do. Thank you.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Experimenting Nails -

I have been ill the last few days, the good news is i am getting better at least i hope. So what better way to cheer myself up then a little experimenting with my nails. 

I used - 
  •  Technic in black 
  • Bourjois Ultra shine, so laque! in Rose Imaginaire
  • Bourjois 1seconde gel polish - unsure of the name so lets call it rainbow sparkle lol.
  • Your average clear nail polish.

So here is my experiment -

The plan was when i removed my polish was to have a little break give my nails the break they need as there in serious need of a little rest from my obsessive nail problem but it went down hill and i was painting my nails a few hours after. I need to find a decent nail hardener if i am honest as i abuse them so much with polish there quite soft. Anyhow first of all i thought i would do the tip of my nails and that were it then i added the black line and before i knew it i was adding the rainbow sparkle and this was the result i ended up with. I am the first to admit it's not perfect but i quite like it and it looks better then it does in the picture. Could be neater but i ain't no pro and it was all done by hand. 

I hope you like

Would love to see where your experimenting as led you, there are some fab ones out there in the blogging world. 

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Models Own

I had never heard of models own until recentley, i heard fantastic reviews so decided to like there fb page as well as check out there website. They really have amazing polishes in alsort of colours. On facebook there currently running competitions the next one in when they hit the 90,000 mark. When they get to 100,000 likes on facebook there going to hold a 50% off everything which is amazing but they after hit that mark before end of september to do so. It seems like so far away but with you lovely people we can help them achieve it and give us the chance to get some fab bargains. What are you waiting for get on fb search for models own and like, like, like. Click the link below and re post this post if you can.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

SockShop Update

Well most of you will have heard by now that i have designed a pair of socks and my design as been choose to be made and sold. I am so unbelievably excited as i have a slight obsession with socks, so for me this was a absolute dream come true. So tonight i thought i would unveil my design and the final design of the sock. Hopefully!

So here is my sock, sorry about the slight smudge that was the glitter i added. I coloured it in myself, added glitter and did the crown gem by gem, it took me quite a while as you can imagine. On the right, is the now updated version done using a computer, not much as changed apart from the crown and the slight change in font/colour which is amazing. At the moment samples are getting done to make sure all looks fine and if it is they should be available to buy in the new year 2013, which isn't actually that far away. In the mean time you can buy socks, etc at SockShop

If there are any updates on my sock i will let you all know if not i will present my sock in the new year.



Another day, another win - Johnsons daily essentials gentle exfoliating wash

I were fortunate enough once again to win the Johnson's Face Care - Daily Essentials Gentle Exfoliating Wash.  This a great little face wash, enriched with skin essentials and round micro beads. The face wash is fairly creamy which feels sort of soft on the skin, it's not as soft as others have used containing mirco beads and can feel a bit rough round the edges. All in all it's a lovely face wash, my skin always feels fresh, soft and really smooth. This is available at £3.09 for 150ml at boots. 

Thursday, 6 September 2012

My must haves -

I have never done a my beauty must haves before and thought i would now whilst i have some free time. I thought had do it with a bit of a twist, the blogs i come across usually have my august fav's bla bla bla. Well i am going to do my complete fav's of everyday life which goes on longer then a month, my products are new and also old. Some have been mentioned before but i am going to mention them again without going into major detail about the product unless have not done so before.

left to right
I use Daily Essentials as part of my everyday use, its my alternative to soap as i find soap drys out my skin where as this keeps feeling extra soft and very much glowing, just what i need as a everyday make up user. Boots - £3.59 for 200ml. (Check online for other stores - compare prices)

I use Nivea soft every night before bed, which keeps my skin feeling soft just as it says on the label, i got samples in the post with some clothes from asos and have never looked back. £6.02 for 300ml at boots (mines only 200ml but prices are cheaper else where - but if you got an advantage card its a great way to collect points for free stuff this is i think where boots get there higher prices to make the money up for free goods available through advantage card system - personal opinion)

Make up - going from left to right until i make my way to the bottom.

Calvin Klein delicious pout in sparkle 9ml - RRP £14.00
I am pretty sure when i purchased this it was £2.99 well its now available at a cheap and cheerful £1.99 at fragrance direct they are other colours to choose from. I love this lipgloss i originally bought it for my holidays as i was after trying alternative products and i am so glad i did. The colour is perfect for my skin tone and you can really see it on the lips its neither to bright or to dull which is great. It smells lovely and it's flavored too. Its a pinky red colour with sparkles hence the name.

Revlon Just Bitten lipstain and balm in victorian 2.5g - RRP £7.99
Fragrance direct - Once again i think i paid £2.99 and its not available for only £1.99 - bargain!! I think the lipstain is fantastic it really does stain the lips and i put it to the test and tried to take it off like you would a lipstick with some tissue and it wouldn't, even though it does eventually come ware off after some hours it does stay on therefore it makes a great night out lipstain. How ever i like a glossy feel to my lips and the lipbalm doesn't achieve that so i added some clear lipgloss which i think looks great. I found this to be really red, my mum said i quote "you lips are very vampy" I will get this again but i think i will go for a lighter colour.

Rimmel Volume Booster Lip plumping lipgloss in clear - 6ml £4.99
I paid only 99p for this at fragrance direct, i love this and it was a total bargain. The brush isn't your usual lipgloss end its a brush type of end think paint brush but tiny. It make your lips really shine and plump with a slight numbing feel i think that is what gives your lips the plump effect. I love this but i also like mother pucker available from the soap and glory range, it however is a little pricey for a lipgloss compared to this one.

Rimmel Soft kohl eyeliner pencil in black - I buy mine from different places depending on when i run out, eye liner lasts ages. Google for your nearest stock list. I have been using this for years, i don't tend to use alternatives as i think a pencil is a pencil and there all going to do the same job, i maybe wrong. I did how ever receive a miners eye liner in my she said beauty box one time but found it to be to thick to how i apply it. This does the job perfect and really makes my eyes dark and its just perfect so i will be sticking with this one.

Peepshow 17 mascara in black/brown - In all honesty this isn't one i would of bought as i usually stick to rimmel and take advantage of the 3 for 2 offer at selected stores when there on which is usually with rimmel. But i got this in a competition in the post and decided to try it no point it going to waste and i really really really like it. So much i will buy more when i run out it really adds length to my eye lashes and doesn't clump them up like some mascaras. I have also used a maybelline waterproof mascara define-a-lash which i bought from fragrance direct for like £2.99 since and i am fair proud of myself as i tend to stick to rimmel when it comes to make up. I only ever experiment with eye shadows, lipglosses and mascara when it comes to different makes.

Rimmel stay matte powder - peach glow £3.99 look out for rimmel 3 for 2 in selected stores. I love rimmel stay matte powder, have tried different tones but peach glow works best for my skin tone and complexion. I don't often use different powders in fact i never have except once when i bought a calvin klein from fragrance direct it was in light and fairly cheap but i was disappointed i was on holiday also so was unable to purchase rimmel stay matte powder so i had no choice but to use the calvin klein one. And i just missed the rimmel one and realized how much i couldn't live without it. Calvin klein makes my skin spotty as well as oily by the end of the day which resulted in my make up being off and patchy in places. It won't be used again but i am happy to say the rimmel one is back in my make up bag since i returned.

Wake me up foundation in ivory (100) £8.99 can be found in 3 for 2 and also cheaper at selected stores. I have almost every rimmel foundation but this as to be my fav by far. I always use ivory but i find on the wake me up collection the ivory is lighter in colour and also light on the skin and in texture and that is the reason why i love it so much as its light and doesn't make my skin feel all bulky. I am also fair skinned so the colour is fantastic, i use the matte peach glow to get rid of the shine but also to make the colour even lighter. I don't tend to try different foundations and stick to what i know with being fair skinned, foundations can be expensive. I did try to change to a loreal when i ordered a ton of make up at fragrance direct to be told it was out of stock after i paid for it - i did get a refund. So i am trying to be alternative about different products :) sort of.

Bourjois paris so laque ultra shine in rose imaginaire - £5.99 at boots
I love the colour of this it looks pink but its not its a coral colour. When i have this on i feel i have got fake nails on and people say i have. If your domestic in the house with two kids take caution this will chip after two days lol. But apart from that it does stay on really well i had a busy day washing and cleaning after my holidays. It feels a little streaky on first coat but it does apply well and looks great after two to three coats and a clear coat as well. Don't be put off by that because its great and as some really nice colours in the collection. I want to buy some more already but on a nail varnish ban after my recent crazy spending, unless i buy for someone else. I will after wait for christmas, which is fast approaching. I can't wait :)

Bourjois 1 seconde rainbow - £5.99 (was two for £8.00 when purchased with the above at boots) I actually have fallen in love with this nail polish, it was my summer must have nail polish for the summer and now for the rest of the year. The bottle does get used up quite quickly i have less then half left and it only opened about a month ago, but this is due to needing at least three coats to achieve the colour. But it's worth it because its glittery and we all no how hard it is to get glitter off your nails. I also have been painting my mums and my sisters this colour. It looks amazing in the sunshine the sun catched it the colours come alive in rainbow sparkles.

Not going to go into this to much as have done earlier posts. These are my fav perfumes at present and the middle one in my whole time fav if i run out i ask for it at christmas and birthdays.
From left to right -

Viva la juicy £28 for 30ml

Number 1 fav - Givinchy very irresistible £26 for 30ml

Hugo Boss femme £21 for 30ml - check selected stores as prices vary.

Apology for the photo being wrong way round once again.

From top to bottom -

I was lucky enough to win the first two bottles of loreal paris crystal shampoo and conditioner, for the two it was £9.00 at boots the first costing almost £5 and the other almost £4, i don't usually pay this much for my shampoo and conditioner but i was so impressed with the results after finishing the bottle i was most definitely going to be buying again. So i was completely all smiles when i went to asda and found the second and third bottle from top in the picture for two bottles for only £4.00, bargain. The top one was still almost £5.00 at asda so i decided on the alternative cheaper conditioner but from the same crystal collection. And i am pretty sure it will do the same job. I haven't yet tried the conditioner yet but i have the shampoo and i love it. Imagine going to a high end expensive salon for a shampoo and conditioning treatment and paying over the odds well this is what treatment you receive after doing it yourself at probably less then a quarter of the price it really is that good. Have never seen my hair look as healthy soft and glowing as i have with this shampoo compared to others. Its my recommendation by far to all you lovely people. Try it you will never look back.

The fourth Bottle is a schwarzkopf got2b guardian angel 220oc heat protection - i usually use tresemme heat protection as seen in the picture and i love it, it smells lovely and does the job but i was running out, i think last time it was not far off £5 for a bottle but asda were doing a offer for two for £5.00 at the time so when i decided to buy a new one i went for an alternative which is what i am rambling on about now. It was only £2.99 for 200ml at b&n homestore so good value for money and it does just as good of job as tresemme it smells nice but not as nice and i would use it again in the future.

Hairspray - well i always get wella silvikrin have used varied ones from there range and they all do the same i can never tell the different i only spray it on to keep wispy bits down lol and that is it. Nothing exciting to report really but this is my must haves that i can't really live without. Some are must haves some are favs :)

Accessories - well jewellery really, i got this charm bracelet for my 21st and i love it, it was from my mum and step dad but i haven't wore it for sometime as i can't arrange the charms as i find it impossible to get them off. My boyfriend can and i rearranged it but he put one the wrong way round and still as failed to sort it and until then i will not wear it.
I love my hoops and wear them everyday and no i am not a chav.
Now my tresor paris bracelet i won this and it's one on my fav pieces at present i found it hard to choose a colour so decided i would have all pieces. I wear it everyday and its worth £149 so i was lucky to win it. Check out there website i love this bracelet it really sparkles and i love sparkles as you all know.

So here are some of my everyday favs - enough for you? I have to many.