
Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Celeb World

Celeb world is a little mini online magazine coming from me talking about in's and out's of what the celebs have been up to in the celeb world. It's something new and will happen every once in a while, where i will just have a good old chit chat about what's been printed etc and fashion.

I know there as been a huge debate about the publication of them topless photo's of Kate Middleton and just last month it was Prince Harry in the spot light. But seriously, isn't everyone entitled to some privacy whether then in the public eye or not. Well i think so. The royal's had very high coverage of there wedding, where they let the whole world in and enjoy there special moment. I think the pap's should respect that the royals devote a lot of time to there chosen charities which the media are always involved in to spread the word but should also, respect there privacy when they ask for it. They were not in a public area when these photos were taken. As for prince Harry, i think it's quite refreshing to find that someone in the royal family is actually quite normal and just like the rest of us, think it's safe to say what happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas.

Congratulations Robbie William's

A huge congratulation's to Robbie and his wife Ava on the birth of there daughter Theodora Rose, there first child together. What do you all think of the name ?? 

I after say, have been such a huge fan of Kelly Brook's collection of clothing for NewLook since last season. The print's SS12 were very cute and girly. This season i find them, very lady like with a bit of a edge and very flirty. Which is fantastic for a night out. I love these shoes and matching clutch, the prices are amazing which is great for affordable high street fashion.

Models own - Everyone's raving about Model's Own in the blogging world, i had never heard of them until recently and now i am slightly obsessed. I haven't purchased any products yet, but i have my eye on loads of goodies i would love for Christmas. All nail polish stuff, naughty me but these include Glitter Boxset, Ice cream sundae boxset, champagne boxset and the new mirrorball boxset these boxsets all retail at £30.00 but are currently on offer for £20 each. As you will all know by an earlier post, they are currently having give away for likes on facebook the next one is at 95,000 but the biggest give away is going to be at 100,000 likes where we all get 50% off, fingers crossed the public make this happen there not far off 95,000 now but they need to get to 100,000 by the 31st of this month else 50% off won't happen. The boxsets will all go back to £30 if this happens therefore they will sell for £15 but the mirrorball boxset is so new it's not part of the sale so will stay at £30 so you need to buy now whilst it's at £20.00 this is the one all the bloggers are raving about and i can see exactly why. It's a mix of beautiful shades of bold colours it's a clear coat but it really adds some edge to your nails as well as jazzing them up. I will be highly disappointed if they don't get to 100,000 as i have my heart set on this sale lol. So like like like people, it's international 

Website i am loving The book people - Affordable book's for people of all ages. I love this website for my two children. I can't wait to get ordering for Christmas. Yes we are in september but the years going so fast it will be christmas before we know it, so nothing like a bit of early planning especially with the size of my family lol. Check them out :)

Well that's just a few little interests that have had people going in celeb world, with a touch of beauty and fashion on the side lol. Enjoy

*Would just like to also take the time to say a few words about my blog. Everything i write is by me Kate, i have never been approached to write any of the information to each product or website, etc i choose to review. All products are bought with my own money, unless i state they haven't for example, competitions that i have won or samples i got sent in the post. I will never write anything someone else tells me too and it will always be my 100% honest opinion. I have nothing to hide and if i was approached for a sponsor etc i will fully let you all know, thank you.*


  1. I think that's a great post idea, btw do you buy books for your children from Red House? They have great offers too, xoxo.

    1. Thank you, i love reading about celebs etc because im nosey lol so i thought had include bits in my blog. Considering the title says celeb. Red house i think have looked before theres two that are very similar the book people being one of them. If you sign up to there newsletter they send offers by email sometimes :) i bought like 10 chuggingon books for £2.99 for my son :) there suppose to be way more xx

    2. I bought 10 Chuggington books for my son as well, their the ones with the stickers in them lol, xoxo.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥