
Friday, 12 October 2012

Different nail colour - same polish. Wonderland.

On my wonderland take 2, i mentioned that i would do posts about the wonderland polish using different colours to see how they look with different tones. I decided to keep this one pretty simple, but in theme with the fact it's breast cancer awareness month. So lots of pink. The polishes i used are.

Beauty UK's very own LOVE polish from the paint for life set of three pinks. I used three coats of this. As well as -

Models own clear base coat and top coat

Models Own Northern Lights
from wonderland collection.

And Jack Frost from the wonderland collection.

And this is what i came up with, the northern lights looks silver on the picture but it's actually a pink colour i also used three coats once again for this. On the thumb is jack frost i only used one coat on the pic but put another on after taking this because i wanted more of a sparkle. I have found that the jack frost is different colours depending on what colour polish you have on. I really like this design, it's perfect for breast cancer awareness also.


  1. Your pinks are just gorgeous! Great for BCA month.

    1. Thank you, this is beauty uk paint for life trio of pink polishes that retail at £5.99 and £1.00 goes to cancer research uk xx

  2. Hi Kate...very pretty pink!!! I love this on you! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award :-)XOXO


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Much love
Kate ♥