
Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Technical Error #2

Just a little update. 

I don't think have ever found blogging so stressful since i started then what i have the past two days. I am no tech expert so the fact i can't resolve the issue i am having with my layout is really annoying. Yesterday my blog decided to go into melt down and change the sides to the bottom. I would say maybe a picture or a link was to big, but the fact my blog was okay with sizes and everything for a month or so means that wasn't the problem. I have changed my blog several times in the hope that it would go back to normal with no luck whatsoever which is quite disappointing. Therefore have had to change the layout completely. Therefore if you come by my blog and wish to follow me via GFC, Twitter or Bloglovin' please please please scroll to the bottom of the homepage where you will find the tabs. I am so sorry about this. I hope you enjoy the new layout and it's not to much of a problem for anyone, no dramatic changes have been made the background is still the same etc, however even that is having a slight meltdown. Hopefully it gets sorted one day but for now enjoy. 


  1. Hi Kate,

    Sorry to hear you're having trouble with your layout. It still looks great!

    I'm just wondering... have you tried Blogger > Template > Customise > Layout, then re-adding the side bar that way?

    You've probably already tried this, but my blogs done the same thing a few times.

    Laura x
    Laura's All Made Up ♥

    1. Thanks i prefered it before had to delete stuff i didn't want so it looked right. I keep going on others and theres look fine so it seems to be just mine. Have done template thing several times also on the layout section it was saying it was in yhe right place but when you look at preview it was below all the posts. Have looked on help section which wasn't no help nothing seems to work. Fair annoying really thanks for your advice though xx

  2. Oh dear, hope you don't get too stressed and it gets sorted asap, xoxo.

    1. I am past caring as well as given up lol. Thanks for other comment about ice neon bubblegum. Did you have a good holiday or still having a good one? Not sure whether your back or not xx

    2. Hey hun, I've been back since Sunday nightime but still trying to adjust to blogging. Have bloody bills to pay and etc lol. How was your Easter? xx

    3. Agghh the dreaded bills. Have had a nice easter my boyfriends family came down for the weekend from newcastle and we went out for the day then went for an easter meal with my family too and i surprised my step dad with a blow up monkey and birthday cake at the restaurant. He loved it. It's still the easter holidays here so everyones still off school/college. Did you go anywhere nice? Shame can't be said about rest of town, lots of drama gone on that's made headlines in the local newspaper/lancashire telegraph people i use to hang round with plus someone year above me at school plus a 18 year old got hit by a van this morning on the motorway. Dreadful really. xx

    4. A blow up monkey haha, I only went to another side of London where my gran lives but its a nicer area then where I live. I live in north east london and she lives in West London but I had a nice time. My friend is in Newcastle now, visiting family lol. Sorry to hear about the people you knew, that's life for you. I'm guessing your feeling much better now, xoxo.

    5. Yes it was a joke it was his bday before on good friday i also got him a blow up hammer and banana had to get him back for a barbie incident he did at my 21st lol. It didn't affect me as such and i don't really know them know them just of them. She was friend in primary school days but not now i guess it affected alot of people due to her bf being friends with alot of people. But i am completely fine. We are thinking of a mini uk hol this year down south i really want to visit cadburys world in birmingham :) xx

  3. I'll like to visit Cadbury world too, I used to know someone that works there lol. I hope you get to visit there and the Bullring centre, xoxo.

    1. Eell we were thinking of staying in dorset and taking a detour on way home via cadburys world. I want to go london again sometime too xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥