
Wednesday, 24 April 2013

30 Ways To Save £1

 Money Supermarket are running a competition for us bloggers to post our 30 ways on saving £1.00. This comes on the 30th anniversary since the one pound coin came in, all who enter their names will be put into a hat and one lucky winner will win £1000.00.

1. When washing your clothes, making sure it's a full load put them on a 30. Then hang them out to dry or put them on a maiden rather then in the dryer. Not only does it saves energy it will also cut the cost on your electricity bill.

2. Before going shopping, make a shopping list and stick to it. If you don't make a shopping list, i guarantee you either forget something or pick up stuff you don't really need.

3. When shopping look around for offers but keep an eye on the price tickets. Sometimes supermarkets can be sneaky and have the bigger bottle/pack cheaper then the smaller one.

4. Sign up for loyalty cards at shops and get collecting points - it will soon build up and then you can bag yourself some treats that are also freebies.

5. Ever wanted to try a beauty brand but can't afford it. Look out for the freebies that come in magazines you may just find that brand. And magazines only cost a few pound meaning your paying less then half the price that it sells in the shop.

6. Enter competitions for stuff you want to try/buy - you may just get lucky and that will save you ££££'s in the long run. 

7. When shopping look in the clearance section your sure to find a good bargain or two. I saved £9.00 yesterday buying fresh flowers that had to be taken off the shelf at Tesco. 

8. Instead of buying a gym membership follow an exercise DVD and get walking. This will save hundreds of pounds a year.

9. Instead of going to the shop in car or on a bus why not cycle or walk this is sure to save petrol, buying a bus pass and the environment. 

10. Make your dinner to take to work, rather then eating out. Eating out costs thousands over the year and you will save loads making it yourself.

11. Instead of buying a take away why not create your own at home this will cost less then half the price and you will get more for your money.

12. Why not try and make your own hair products. Your kitchen is full of beauty products all natural ingredient. This will save you loads.

13. Unplug your electronics and switch all lights off this will save so much electricity and cut the cost on your monthly bill.

14. Save money on gas by wrapping a blanket round you on a cold day.

15. Instead of going to an expensive salon to get your hair and nails done and other treatments, book in at your local college. Their completely qualified and not only are you helping them, your helping yourself by cutting the costs.

16. Instead of buying expensive cakes at the supermarket when it's a celebration why not try and create it yourself for half the price. 

17. Signing up to newsletters are guaranteed to save you money. With an occasional email giving you percents off and the latest sales online and ins stores.

18. Instead of spending cash on a trip to the local cinema. Swap Dvd's with friends and get some munch from the supermarket. You will save a lot.

19. When looking for a day out try and go somewhere free. Look online there's so many places out there that you can visit for free that are waiting to be discovered. Taking a picnic will cut costs even more.

20. Use orange wednesdays to cut cost on a trip to the cinema.

21. Look out for the 2 for 1 days out you can find in papers and on back of cereal boxes.

22. Make your own gift tags by cutting up old christmas/birthday cards.

23. Ask yourself do you really need that new lipstick, etc that your about to buy.

24. When having a clear out - don't throw away stuff that's still in great condition. Get a car boot sale going - these often cost peanuts on sundays and you will walk away with a few hundred. 

25. If you get the bus a lot. Getting a bus pass will cut costs.

26. Cheaper beauty products are just as good as high end ones, don't be fooled into thinking high end is better because of the price because its not always the case. Cut the cost but find an alternative cheaper brand.

27. Do a full food shop once a week rather then buying bits everyday. You end up picking stuff up you don't really need and it's also very costly. 

28. Take a drink out with you whether it's a flask of coffee or a bottle of juice. This will cut costs going to a shop and buying a drink hot or cold it soon adds up. 

29. Before settling on a price when buying something look around your guaranteed to come across a cheaper price whether its a few pounds short or in a sale. Make sure you add the delivery price on to make sure your truly saving the pennies. 

30. If going out for a meal take advantage of the places that do 2 for 1 your sure to save a good amount of money.

Here are my thirty money saving tips. I hope you find them of good use. 

Extra tip: If you need to top up on skincare/haircare or beauty products take full use of the 3 for 2 offers they have from time to time in boots, superdrugs and certain supermarkets.


  1. Well done Kate and best of luck! I'm sure the money will come in handy, xoxo.

    1. Anyone can enter. It wasn't as hard as i thought it would be to come up with them. Yes give some to the charity i am doing the midnight walk for and pay my holiday off. :) I don't have high hopes i am sure alot of people are entering xx

  2. Oohh great list!

    Chloë x

    1. I am glad these little saver tips are helping someone. Thanks chloe :) xx

  3. Great list, thanks for sharing.

    Thanks for sharing the competition, too, I might see if I can come up with my own list xx

    1. You should like 500 people who enter are getting a little cash for their tips :) I would love to see yours too.

      Your welcome xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥