
Monday, 15 April 2013

Sending My Prayers

I just want to take a moment to send my prayers to them who have been affected by the explosions that have gone off in Boston. Also to the families of the three victims that were unfortunately taken and have now become angels and anyone else who loses their life. Me and many others in the UK are thinking of you. 
Much love, Kate xxx


  1. I was devastated to hear about this when I woke up, my prayers to those killed or injured and I hope they catch the bombers quickly.

    I am so sad to hear about innocent people at what should have been a peaceful happy gathering being harmed, it makes no sense.

    1. It's very unfortunate and sad. I have seen some nasty picture on my newsfeed of people will lost legs and bones hanging out. I hope they find peace and get better soon. x


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Much love
Kate ♥