
Sunday, 14 April 2013

Ombre Nails

Today i tried Ombre nails. This was my second attempt because my first attempt didn't go quite so well. After checking out some youtube video's i found the problem i was doing ombre staight onto the nail without a base coat. When i say base coat i mean a polish after the clear base. I recommend anyone who has struggle with ombre effect or is new to it to check out the youtube vid's because there are some truly amazing ones. 

I am going to explain how i did it.

What you need -
Pick the nail polish you want to use. You can use as many as you like but i personally would stick at two or three so you can see the effect better. Remember your base/top coat (clear) and a nude or even white polish. You also need a make up sponge. You don't need to do this, but i cut mine up to nail size. 

How to do it - 
1. Apply base coat
2. Then get either a white or nude coloured polish (I did just 1 coat)
3. Get the sponge and apply the shades that you chose. I chose three. It doesn't matter whether they overlap because this makes the ombre effect better with a fading in and out sort of style.
4. Apply the sponge to the nail. Dabbing along or pressing it starting at one side making you way to the other side. Bare in mind this is a messy process so have the cotton wool/buds and nail polish at the ready. You will need to do this three to four times on each nail for full coverage.
5. Once dried add a base coat. Or if you want to add glitter do the glitter polish then the base coat.

What polish' i used - 
Nude Beige - Models Own (1 coat)
Cocktail coat colour in a flash Baby Bellini - Rimmel
Original pink punch - Models Own
Lemon Meringue - Models Own
Hedkandi disco heaven - Models Own
then a Sally Hansen top coat.

When using the sponge i found i didn't need loads of polish and probably didn't use as much as i would painting one nail normally. One sponge with three polish' overlapped applied fantastically to four nails. I did all fingers repeating the coats four times on each to get the effect having full coverage before applying Disco Heaven and then a base coat.

Over all i am quite proud of myself (big head) i absolutely love the effect. Unfortunately i was unable to clean up the mess that well due to having no cotton buds left so ignore the bits round the edges on the photo. To have a better look please enlarge the photo. You will see after painting them, but before adding Disco heaven/top coat. Also if you want to do more lighter polish' like a pastel ombre had probably advise you to use a white polish such as models owns snow white or whatever you have in your polish draw.

Have you tried this effect? Had love to see you pictures.
It's so fun to do i can't wait to try more ombre nails using different colours. It's surprisingly quick and easy to do once you get the hang.

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  1. Wow, this looks amaaaazing! Definitely want to attempt this :)

    1. Thank you phoebe. I am feeling quite proud if i do say so myself. I can't stop looking at my nails. I am such a geek haha xx

  2. these are gorgeous! I love ombre nails, they never get old! x

    1. Thank you. The first time i tried them was just after christmas around January time, i hadn't watched any video's on youtube but i love the look. Shame to say they didn't go quite to plan but i am really pleased with the results this time apart from the little mess around the edges. It cleaned up a bit when i had a shower. :) xx

  3. This looks great, I love the colours :o)

    Jac x0x

    1. Thank you Jac. The colours are lovely, very vibrant. They remind me of summer and holidays :) xx

  4. These are gorgeous! I wish I had the patience for Ombre' nails haha these look great though(:


    1. Thanks athena. You should give them ago sometime, it's not as hard as it seems or looks. It's actually quite simple, easy and very fast plus the coats dry within seconds i was quite surprised at how quickly they did dry. x

  5. This looks amazing!!! xoxo.

    1. Hehe. I love them too, just call my a nail artist haha. Just kidding. I'm quite proud of myself though :) xx


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Much love
Kate ♥