
Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Cosmopolitan BLOG Awards 2013 With Next

Today i decided to enter my blog into the Cosmopolitan blog awards for the Next newcomer blog award. I have had my blog since July and it's truly become a firm favourite hobby of mine. I love writing, trying new products and sharing my thoughts. I really enjoy interacting with so many talented people, reading what you have to say and being a little nosey lol. Most of all i smile all the time at the amount of views i get on a daily basis, because it means people out there like reading my little page on the internet and that truly means a lot to me. I've also enjoyed designing my blog, on numerous occasions and getting it the way it looks today. I'm quite proud really (without sounding to big headed) at how it looks because i'm absolutely lovin' it right now. 

By no means have i entered my blog because i think it's completely amazing but i am pretty proud of how far it's come. There are so many talented people out in the land of blogs who are completely talented, all of you in fact and i don't believe i deserve to win it anymore then anyone else so i truly wish you all the best of luck in whatever award you have nominated your blog for. I just thought had join in with the latest craze and have fun being apart of something so amazing especially as a new-ish blogger. I believe it's better to try then not try at all and if you win well that's a bonus.

If you like my blog and enjoy reading it of course i would really appreciate your vote which can be done here. Basically you fill the form in with my blogs URL which is etc. 
It only takes a couple of seconds 30 at most. You don't need a blog to vote, anyone can vote of course if you like reading my blog and keep coming back time and time again then please do. Thank you so much.

Thought had just inform you all UK only - The Body Shop for 48hrs (i believe until Friday but could be sooner it ends) they are having a flash beauty sale 40% off with the code HONEY and free delivery when you spend over a fiver. Bargain!!! I just ordered a few bargains so expect a haul coming soon. Happy Shopping

Remember to enter my raffle all for a good cause to be in with a chance of winning £50 worth of cosmetics. The tab can be found on the right of this blog.


  1. Awesome blog. I really like your blog . So keep it up..

  2. I entered this too but I noticed that Cosmo are on really friendly terms with the bloggers that are media backed. I love reading blogs but to be honest if a blog has over like 3,000 followers in less then 6 months then I'm not gonna follow them because their blog is media controlled rather than honest. I have no problems with the ones that admit it, its those that are making posts that say I can't believe etc are so fake, xoxo. Btw I tried voting for you but it says only one submission can be made, maybe because I added my blog before, sorry.

    1. Really? I didn't know that. What do you mean by media controlled and fake? I follow a few that have more then 3,000 followers but i just thought that was pot luck plus hard work lol. I'm always gob smacked at how many followers people have like hundreds in a few month i only have just short of 120 but i mainly go off views and as long as somebody is reading my posts i'm happy whether is 15 or a few hundred. Besides i enjoy doing it so i will carry on. I see people who have got hundreds in a few month and i know that's obviously through determination and twitter - i don't spend a lot of time on twitter and i only have started going on it more recently. I love facebook too much and i don't add any of my friends on twitter it's a celeb stalker really haha xx

    2. There are companies out that can help promote your blog but they organise the products you review by contacting companies for you, plus overlook blog posts. Plus they can also organise followers for you, that's what I mean by fake, I have no problem with it but not the ones that won't admit it. For example I love Temptalia who gets products sent to review but at least she admits it and her reviews are always honest, xoxo.

    3. Oh i see never heard anything like that before. Haven't a clue how anyone makes anyone have followers lol. I think blogs should always be based on honesty else it just doesn't work does it ? xx

    4. Yes honesty is the best policy lol. For some reason my birchbox had the wrong address on but the yodel customer service man sorted it, just received it while messaging you, xoxo.

    5. Alright well that's not good at least you got it though. What you get tell me on my birchbox post lol so i don't have to come find this one again lol. xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥