
Sunday, 1 September 2013

Macadamia | Deep Repair Masque

Macadamia is one of them brands I've heard so much about but never tried until now at last. I decided to purchase the Deep Repair Masque this is only a sachet and a decent one at that with 30ml worth of product and was just £1.50 at Fragrance Direct. 30ml worth of product will give you a good 4/5 goes and using it once a week will last you a good month or so depending on the length of your hair mine's quite long. I love a good hair mask it really revamps your hair and gives you a professional salon like treatment but for a lot less of the price, making it smell and look gorgeous. I really like the Macadamia deep repair masque it really gave my hair a silky soft finish leaving it glossy and smooth. I'm just dying to get my hands on the tub and you can purchase most of the Macadamia range at Beauty Bay here.

It's also on sale at the moment. (If it isn't it's only because it's changed in the last few days)


  1. It is a fab mask hun, nice review, xoxo.

  2. Really want to try this!

    Jodie Marie | à la Jode

    1. You should. Beauty bay offer a good sozed sachet so you get plenty of uses for a fair try. Think its only a few pounds and free delivery so its worth a try then you can decide whether you want the full-size afterwards x


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Much love
Kate ♥