
Friday, 27 September 2013

Girls Most Likely | Review - & Giveaway

On Monday I attended the Girls Most Likely preview with Charles Worthington and Woman & Home Magazine. It was a cinema experience like no other, from walking a mini red carpet, posing for photos with the Charles Worthington backdrop behind us, me holding a fake golden globe. Once seated we were greeted by a bag with goodies in - this being a welcome surprise but one I thoroughly enjoyed! 

Inside were a selection of Charles Worthington goodies, samples and vouchers. A bag of popcorn and this months Woman & Home magazine.

Girls Most Likely Imogene (Kristen Wiig) a failed writer, who goes from being in high places to a suspected mental break down, fake over dose gone wrong, sectioned then having to live with her mother (who she never see's) due to the hospital being over-filled. Back home she finds, her mother loved up with someone much younger then her, a brother as strange as ever and her bedroom rented out to a man. Whilst back home, she learns about herself, who she can rely on, who her true friends are (certainly not the ones back in New York) and betrayal. Through-out all the drama, including being held hostage. This film never stops being just what it is, a comedy. Nothing within the film is at all taken seriously, which makes it feel quite mock in places. Especially when being held hostage, yet having the urge to laugh due to them not taking it seriously which makes it seem like it's bad acting - I guess it is a non-serious comedy film. Must just be me! I know this film is full of good actresses/actors so it must be the way the films wrote. I did however find myself falling a little bit in love with Lee (Darren Criss) who plays Blaine and Kirks Boyfriend in Glee - yes he his straight in real life! I did find it funny though. Score 6/10 - I wouldn't purchase this on DVD.

Coming to a cinema near you today.

Much Love
Kate x 

Meg's Budget Boutique Body Shop Giveaway - here. Confessions of a secret shopper Christmas beauty advent calendar here. Good Luck x


  1. ahah I want to see Girls most likely - will have to drag my husband along!
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  2. Thank you. I promise you I'll come by your blog tomorrow. Todays been a long one very hectic. X

  3. Does it have dark humor? You taking the children out this weekend? xoxo.

    1. No. Not at all. Some of the scenes just have you questioning the situation because everything is made into a joke and not taken seroous like it would be in real lifw. But that's why it's a comedy.

      I won't be doing much this weekend. My son has been poorly since Tiesday. He got sent home from school, on wed he was worse so we kept him off, yesterday thought ht was better but wasn't 100 so ended up being sent home from school again. Today he had hospital appointment but still not 100% so we kept him off to take him doctors and hes got a ear onfwvtion got ro tale a medicime 5 times a day another 3 times along with calpol and some cream for his face. He gets bad cold sores when hes ill.

      What about you!

      I'm suppose to go my muma sunday twins will be there but see how he his first cx

  4. Sorry about my spelling. That's what you get for typing fast on your phone lol. Xx

  5. Replies
    1. Hi louise. I hope this way of sharing is okay. I'll share again in the future x


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Much love
Kate ♥