
Thursday, 5 September 2013

Book Review #2

Kindle Reads.

The third in the crossfire series. Sylvia Day has created her very own Christian Grey (fifty shades) in the likes of Gideon Cross. The character is more deeper, darker and dangerous then Christian and the plots different but similar in some aspects. 

 This took me just a week to read and I couldn't put it down when I found time to read. The plot thickened in the world of Gideon and Eva. Gideon will do anything to protect Eva - I mean ANYTHING including murder and he does just that making sure she isn't in danger in anyway. Gideon risks in his whole life to protect Eva but with his wealth and fortune he's able to get away with it. In this novel Eva and Gideon try to get past their troubles and the past whilst falling more and more in love everyday. 

This isn't the last novel in the crossfire series, there's a fourth on the way and I can't help but think it's going to be more drama and heartbreak and maybe even the sound of tiny pitter patter feet. The book's are really good I'm a sucker for any kind of lovely dovey romance. This does have some rude parts like Fifty shades but not so much on that erotic level. If you love fifty shades then you'll love this. (Fact: Fifty Shades will be released 1st of August 2014. The crossfire series will be released on the TV I believe sometime in the future)

This is Katie Price' eighth novel I think. I've lost count despite having all of them in books except this because I now have a kindle. This cost me £7.99 to download to kindle which I feel for a kindle price is a little pricey but that's her name lol. Again like all the Katie Price books I couldn't put it down because I just love the novels with the sunshine making an appearance it was the perfect time to sit in the yard and just read. It took me 24 hours and that wasn't constant so I'd say seven hours maybe less - I didn't count. 

 Like all Katie Price' novel this was a insight into the celebrity life. This one had a bit of a twist to previous reads. Like all celebs you see, you feel you want their life because they have wealth, fortune all the latest stuff but not everything is always what it looks it's now always a bed of roses. Liberty is a single mum to her three year old toddler Brooke she fell pregnant at 18 and Brooke' dad isn't interested. Whilst juggling motherhood whilst living with her mum Liberty tries to earn a living working at a Italian restaurant whilst trying to make it as a model/actress she's not auditioned for any roles since before Brooke was born and she feels life isn't going anywhere that's until she meets the handsome American born Cory Who is dining with some friends and an ex girlfriend. He's over here on a gap year and he just can't keep his eyes off Brooke. It isn't long before Brooke and Cory fill their relationship gaps and become a item. With Cory moving to the UK, struggling for money and letting his parents down he gives up there dream for him to be a lawyer whilst pursuing his own to be an artist, that goes quite belly up whilst he works none stop to pay his rent. Things are going great for Liberty when she get's a perfume ad campaign and a director shows an interest in her for a big crime series in the USA. With Cory and Brooke drifting apart but there love for one another growing stronger their careers take them in different paths people in there life's sabotage their plans of being together and they go in opposite directions settling with other people but they never truly forget one anothers love for each other and after a brief encounter several years later things go from being good to bad again. He's the one is about knowing someones the love of your life, but ending up going in another direction despite your love for that person. If you truly love someone you'll find a way back to that person know matter what whether it's two months down the line or several years.

I really love this book like all of Katie's novels I couldn't put it down hence why it took only 24hrs to read. If you like celebrity related stuff and a inside into a celebrities life where everything is anything but perfect then you'll like this too. Plus romance everyone loves romance.

Book covers taken from Google.


  1. They both sounds great. I've read previous Katie Price novels too and what I like is that they are easy to read lol, sometimes its good to read something that doesn't require too much thinking lol, xoxo.

    1. Easy reads are good, fun reads. And all the Katie Price books are good reads that make you keep on reading and reading xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥