
Monday, 25 March 2013

Huge Thanks

Just a little message really to say thank you for my birthday wishes and also for the new followers - Good luck in the give away. I would usually take the time to write you an individual message each. But i am really ill - yes on my birthday. Dosed up on paracetomal unfortunately. I am grateful to each and everyone of you. And i will write back to you eventually. Thanks again xxx


  1. Happy birthday - Hope you feel better soon.

    I was poorly on my birthday, too, not fun xx

    1. Tell me about it. Have been dosed up on paracetamol for two days now. Be happy when it's gone. For someone whose never ill this isn't cool at all. xx

  2. Oh no! Get well soon, xoxo.

    1. It's defiantly oh no! I hate taking paracetamol and have been dosed up on them for two days. Hopefully my next birthdays a different story lol. 1 year and counting xx

  3. I know that feeling, I was admitted to hospital on my birthday! Hope you still have a nice day x

    1. Oh no!! That sounds awful. My mum said i should go to the doctors but i am not one to kick up a fuss i will just sit quietly on the sofa xx

  4. Thanks for the reminder Kate, just entered!
    Aww thats pants that you were ill on your birthday but hope you got lots of nice pressies and will get well soon!!
    Keep up the good work, your blog is great x

    1. Thank you. It's what keeps me blogging that the works appreciated :) I am still ill unfortunately but got a good boyfriend running round after me. xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥