
Wednesday, 29 April 2015

NYC Diaries | Day 1 - The Day My Dream Became a Reality

 I'm in New York City, well, not quite, I'm at JFK... We've just landed after the plane had to circle over Long island due to slight rain and foggy conditions, though, this doesn't dampen my mood and it's not long before we're in a cab on our way to Row NYC. A simple, yet lovely hotel on 8th Avenue. Broadway is next door and Time Square is literally down the street. Our room 1035 gives us slight views of Time's Square and already, I have a great feeling about this holiday. Cases placed in our hotel room and with 7 hours until the day ends we decide to visit a few of the must-go places of New York City. Come with me on my New York journey and watch my dreams of visiting the place that never sleeps become a reality.

We briefly walked through Times Square and took in the crazy, and rather chaotic, atmosphere. It was day light going on evening at this point and despite taking a few snaps I thought Times Square was most beautiful glowing in the dark. We had a lot of laughs here and saw just how far people were willing to go for a few dollars - naked women with the U.S flag painted on them to a man with badly put on make up wearing a bikini (No Naked Cowboy.. what?!). Putting that aside, we walked to Grand Central terminal/station and processed some of the great films that had been filmed or based here (Madagascar and Step up 4 to name a few).

 With tiredness kicking it and an extra 5 hours added to our day we didn't stay out to long. After the largest Mcnugget meal I've ever seen (10 chicken nuggets, which I only managed half of) we went back to our hotel room and slept - not before going to the Disney store and buying presents for the kids that is!

 If you're interested in finding out what happened, what I discovered and how my journey evolved in New York city come back tomorrow for my first full day tomorrow - And what a day it was!! Check out day 3, day 4, day 5 and day 6 too.


  1. Great post! I'm excited to see what you got up to on the rest of your trip as I'm going in October and looking for places to go / things to see whilst I'm there :) so any tips or recommendations welcome!
    I'll definitely be checking back on your other posts about NYC! :)
    Jess x

  2. Great post! I'm excited to see what you got up to on the rest of your trip as I'm going in October and looking for places to go / things to see whilst I'm there :) so any tips or recommendations welcome!
    I'll definitely be checking back on your other posts about NYC! :)
    Jess x

  3. Great post! I'm excited to see what you got up to on the rest of your trip as I'm going in October and looking for places to go / things to see whilst I'm there :) so any tips or recommendations welcome!
    I'll definitely be checking back on your other posts about NYC! :)
    Jess x

  4. So jealous right now, I've always wanted to visit New York! x

    1. I'm sure you will one day :) I really want to go back! x

  5. Loving this...Americans and giant sized food portions lol


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Much love
Kate ♥