
Monday, 4 May 2015

NYC Diaries | Day 5 - Top of the Rock

Day 5 and the only day I woke up at a reasonable hour. It was still 5.30, but this, in my eyes, is reasonable and way better than the 4/4.15am. Finally over the jet lag and tomorrow I'll be making the long journey home - I don't want to it to be my last day. Today we went back to the Evergreen restaurant. I really enjoyed the Belgium waffles yesterday and decided to try them here too, not only were they cheaper they were better too. I had them with just strawberries, cream and syrup this time. 

 On the agenda, first, is going up to the top of the RockeFeller Center. This place was amazing, with sky high views of, well, the sky scrapers. It was just as good as the Empire State building, but this time we had views of the empire state building and central park.

 We got a City Pass which is a booklet with various tourist places in (will explain more in another post), but basically they were one, last place left to visit from the book and this was a museum. The Metropolitan Museum of Art and what a museum it was. So big! My cousin and uncle decided to go to another museum and pay the extra fee's to get in (this wasn't in the booklet). So, me and my cousin decided to meet up later to go to on a mini spree of Sephora. 

Took a detour through Central Park to the Museum. This dog statue is featured in the movie Balto and is a statue to honor the sled dogs. 

 An artist drawing one of the sculptures.

We then had another walk through Central Park much to the dismay of my poor, blister covered feet!

Later on we went shopping to Sephora, a big M&M store and Hershey's

 Day 6 and my last day in New York will be up tomorrow. Check out Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 and day 6  too. .


  1. The waffles look so delicious and the view is amazing. Looks like you had a great time. I hope I get to visit New York one day. Great post.



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Much love
Kate ♥