
Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Touch Of Magic Lip Paint | Barry M

When I saw this popping up on almost everyone's blog around the blogging community I knew I wanted it straight away. I've never heard of anything such as a magical lipstick which was completely misleading to the eye, green yet turns a beautiful shade of pink on the lips. It was quite the novelty and one I was willing to part with my cash for. I was however pleased to see I had enough Boot's points available to purchase this as a treat. This lipstick is totally unique to every individual going a shade of different pinks depending on your skin tone. It's well worth the £4.49 and is waterproof on the lips making it really hard to come off it's almost like a lip stain and is really moisturising too. On me it's not too bright so it can be worn for both day and night.

My fringe has had a trim since this photo. Also I'm so done with spending bans, I can never follow them. However I don't actually spend a lot of money when I do so they seems no point to these spending bans. But I will be cutting back now I have almost a store full of bath products and nail polish.


  1. Such a lovely colour on you will have to keep my eye out for this

    Carrieanne x

  2. Nice to see a picture of you! Its a nice shade on you, I have two other lip products that do the same, a bourjois lipgloss and a mini lipstick from an old jolie box, xoxo.

    1. Your lucky. I don't like being in photos and I certainly hate posting them but I wanted to show the lipstick really well with flash and without :) xx

    2. Your just like my other half, he doesn't like having his picture taken too. When I was a child my family rarely took photos so I guess I'm making up for it. You have lovely eyes and really do look elegant, more pictures please, xoxo.

    3. We have quite a few photo's but not many. I've been the family photographer since I was about 12/13 so I always take them I'm never in them. My step dad recently got a really good camera so hes started taking more but not on my scale I've got over a years to print off. That's nice of you to say, I'm not a very confident person and suffer from lots of insecurities. You wouldn't be the first to comment on my eyes people always want mine and my siblings lol. I've sropped wearing eyeliner in the last few months not sure why pretty sure it would of been down my face in this heat. Xx

    4. Haha I've stopped wearing eyeliner too, it smudges on me during winter let alone summer lol, xoxo.

    5. I know the feeling. Sooo annoying!! Xx

  3. cool product...i have seen others with this and like seeing the slight variations of color on everyone.

    Sisters Marie
    Buy * Sell * Swap on BISTM!


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Much love
Kate ♥