
Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Barry M Series #4 - Gelly Hi-shine Nail Paint | Greenberry & Grapefruit Plus Liquorice Confetti

I wasn't sure about the Barry M Gelly Hi-shine nail paints a few months ago but since using these two newbies my minds totally changed. Yes they are a little streaky on first, most likely second coat but after the third and being left with full coverage the polish shades and final look, are beautiful. These shades are absolutely gorgeous for summer. Greenberry is a off blue sort of green - turquoise shade. Kinda minty which I love for summer and grapefruit is a hot pink again perfect for summer. Using a monster bundle dotting tool I created the dots using Models Own snow white. (Sorry about the mess, I didn't clean around the nail before taking these photos)

Same nail look but with Liquorice confetti. 


  1. Love this look!

    Great minds think alike, too, I have a nail of the day going up in a few days with greenberry as a basr and a confetti on top but with dolly mix. I really want to get liquorice too

    1. Thank. I love it too if I say so myself!

      I haven't used my other confetti one's I'm really in love with Liquorice at the moment - at the time of doing this it was one of my go to polishes. I'm having a break at the moment due to brittle breakable nails. I've had to cut some of them really short due to bad breaks, polish weakens the nails and since I've constantly got them painted its about time. Fortunately I haven't bit my nails which is usually the case I think It's because of how short my nails have become due to the breaks I really not likey lol. However I saw a tip that you should leave you nails unpainted for at least 1 full week every month. xx


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Much love
Kate ♥