
Friday, 9 November 2012

Nails Inc Polish - St James & Glamour Glitter

Last Thursday, Glamour magazine were giving away one Nail Inc polish in a range of four colours with each magazine worth £11 each. Considering the magazine is only £2, you can purchase four mags getting all four polishes worth £44 with a saving of £36 for just £8. Yes that's well and truly a bargain. The magazine is still out now, so grab yours well you can.

This was my first time using Nails inc, and i was very impressed. The application was very smooth and applied nicely on both. St James only needed one coat, i can't get over how well it applied and how truly smooth and shiny it was on drying. It's truly worth £11 and i would love to own more colours from Nails Inc, in the future. St James is a bright, christmasy (Is that even a word) Red. It's so lovely, my boyfriend and sister swear it's pink. And in all honesty this actually does have tones of pink in it. When it's dark and lights not shining on it, you can see the pink, it light it's really red. My sister/boyfriend reckon it looks a hot pink. I also layered it with Glamour Glitter, which is a clear based polish with sprinkles of gold glitter through out. It's such a lovely glitter for christmas, both polishes are great for christmas. I think the glamour glitter would of look awesome with Motcomb Street which is a very dark blue available with glamour magazine also, the dark blue could be a night sky with gold glitter as twinkling stars, or an alternative black would do. I had to use three coats of glamour glitter, for coverage. Have read reviews on peoples blogs for these polishes and they are also impressed. How ever you can buy motcomb, st james and the pale pink that's also available called Elizabeth Street. But someone was unable to find Glamour Glitter, so this may of been specially made for Glamour Magazine it's self. Which is lovely of them.

St James

To buy click here.

This polish is available to buy as part of the 3 for £22 or £11 each.

*Sorry Pics are slightly Blurred*

Glamour Glitter

This is unavailable on the Nails Inc Website as noted above.

Other colours available free with Glamour Magazine are;

Motcomb Street

To buy

Also available in the 3 for 
£22 or £11 each.

Elizabeth Street

To buy

Also available in the 3 for 
£22 or £11 each.

You can also get Nails Inc in minis and boxsets.

To purchase more shop here.

If your a new customer you also get 20% off, if you sign up to the newsletter. Well worth it.

*Some pictures taken from Nails Inc*


  1. I got the glamour glitter one as I have the other shades lol, xoxo. I don't think I'll be doing a nail post in a while, this weather wrecks my nails.

    1. I had like 8 new polishes in the last two week. I love doing my nails and blogging about them. I think it's mainly why i have this blog. But i think after this as been removed i will give them a break for a few days. One nail chipped already i only did them yesterday which is a bit disappointing. xx

  2. I love their polishes, they're such lovely finishes! x

    I nominated you for the Liebster and Versatile Blogger Award on my blog so check it out for details :)

    1. I loved the finishes on them also.

      Thank you, i will check it out later on xx


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Much love
Kate ♥