
Thursday, 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone. I hope you all have a fabulous one, whether your going to a party or doing some trick or treating or maybe just the usual work, home, chill!

I decided to be a bit boring with my NOTD for Halloween - mainly so I can get away with wearing it for a few days. I hope you like it. Have a great day!

I hope you like mine and my boyfriends pumpkins. I did Hello Kitty for our daughter, whilst he did Mike from Monsters Inc for our son. This was my first attempt at pumpkin carving.


  1. Cute dotty nails and Pumpkins hun! I hope you have a wicked Halloween ;), xoxo.

    1. Still not fantastic with the dotty nails. Think it's an improvement though :) you too xx

  2. Your nails look great and so do your pumpkins, really original idea! Hope you and your kids have a nice Halloween :) xxx


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Much love
Kate ♥