
Sunday, 6 October 2013

Boots Botanic Facial Oil & Glamour Magazine December Freebie.

I've spoken about suffering from acne a few (probably more then a few) time's on my blog. I don't have the worse acne ever, but for someone who only ever had the odd spot, I wasn't happy. I noticed, whilst using facial oils, my break outs seemed to disappear. I reviewed a previous facial oil, and despite the horrendous smell, I put up with it for skins sake and it did my facial area, a world of good. I was happy to receive facial oils, in my birch boxes but even them were soon used up and I was resorted back to my spotty ways. I'm not sure if it's just me, but facial oils on the market are ridiculously expensive, and being a mum of two I really don't want to part with my cash for something that may or may not work. And even if it does I'm reluctant to spend a good £30 purchasing a facial oil. When I came across the Botanics facial oil in Boots, I was pleasantly surprised to find something that was less then a tenner, the cheapest oil there, yet also the biggest size at 25ml.

I don't really suffer from oily skin, and I'd say my skin was normal. But with wearing make-up and washing a few times a day even whilst using a face wash and toner my skin was still in a horrible, spotty condition. I guessed I was washing away my essential natural oils. Then it was hello facial oil, goodbye spots (sort of). My break out, didn't disappear over night but it was gone or not as visible over a short space of time. Everyone's prone to the odd one, but now it's nothing I can't live with though I'd rather live without. Fingers crossed I haven't just jinxed myself! The facial oil, comes with a little squeezy pump. So you don't over do it on the oil. After all with oils, a little goes a long way and that's definitely the case with this one.

What the experts say:
This aromatic oil melts into lacklustre skin to lock in moisture for 8 hours while softening, conditioning and helping to restore its natural glow. Use regularly to boost the performance of your daily skincare regime.
Rosehip is nature's nourishing gem. The seeds are a rich source essential Omega oils, which help to improve suppleness and keep all skin types beautifully soft and healthy looking.

I agree with the statement, though your suppose to use this twice a day. I only use it once, maybe twice on a make up free day. Maybe if I used it twice my skin would be even better. Do I recommend this oil, definitely. It's really good. And it's 100% organic. Purchase at Boots for £9.99 here or in store.
With Love
Kate x

Also look what is available, with Decembers Issue of Glamour Magazine. 

Glamour magazine, have once again teamed up with Nails inc to give you one of four shades from the Kate Spade collection. Available is what seems to be a jet black, Christmasy red, and a metallic gold and silver. Or you could collect all four worth £44 (magazine usually being £2.00 saving £36.00 and at £11 each it's well worth it). On sale November 4th.

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Much love
Kate ♥