
Sunday, 1 July 2012

Fallen Series

These books are so good, i really do recommend them, i won these too and i am so glad i did cause they were a really good read. I just bought the newest one called rapture and i am around a quarter way threw and so far very please with my purchase. The book's are found in the young adult section of any good book store, whsmith etc. Or you can buy them on this website very cheap and many more books for children, adults, teens, toddlers and babies. The books at The Book People or Red House majority are less then half price of an RRP very good value for money.

Back to the fallen series i know what your thinking, young adult section. Well these book's can be read by anyone and if your a twilight even more so.

The Books available in the fallen series are -

Fallen In Love

All by lauren Kate.

About -

A brooding romantic novel from Lauren Kate, Fallen is the first in what looks likely to be a hugely successful series of supernatural tales. An intense and addictive story that sees Lucinda, a troubled 17 year-old girl, fall for a gorgeous, intelligent boy at the reform school she has been sent to – Sword & Cross. However, in this battle between the forces of good and evil, Daniel turns out to be far from Lucinda’s perfect match – as a fallen angel can he ever truly be hers?

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Much love
Kate ♥