
Friday, 6 July 2012

I love the zebra print look, but i also like to experiment with colors. So on the first picture i used Technic silver nail polish its quite a big bottle and it was only about £1.49 which was a total bargain and it comes with glitter to sprink on your nails. I got it from a beauty shop in blackburn, it sells some real beauty bargains but i am unsure of it's full name as i have had this polish for quite a while. In fact it's running out which i am totally gutted about as it's a really good nail varnish. I used Rio professional nail art in pastel colors for the stripes.

The second picture i created the look again, but stuck to minimum colors i used as you can see in the picture beauty uk hot pink. I have explained before that beauty uk are selling a set of three for £5.99 all different colored pinks i am going over this again as there doing it for a great cause, £1 from each sale will be donated to cancer charity so i urge you to buy them there fantastic colors and are really great nail varnishes. They want to be able to raise £50,000 in a year and need your help to do so. I again used the rio professional nail art in silver to create the stripes. I love the effect :)


  1. I love the top one especially! You must have a steady hand haha :) xxx

    1. Thanks i do to lol, no i really don't have a steady hand the stripes are down to rio professional nail art if you take the lid off its for detail and of you unscrew it you can do stripes etc. There about £25 from argos xxx


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Much love
Kate ♥