
Sunday, 8 June 2014

Book Takeover Sunday | The Summer I Gave Up Boys by Kassandra Kush

Image taken from Goodreads

At time of purchase this was free on Amazon for Kindle.

This was a short read and over in a few hours but wasn't bad or rushed like I expected it to be. Kaliyah just broke up with her cheating boyfriend, all she wants is a quiet, peaceful, book indulging, boy-free summer but things don't go quite as planned. She meets up with old school nemesis Isaiah on the way home, he seems more interested in being friends then enemies. Isaiah and Kaliyah have been apart of one anothers life for a long time and bicker like an old married couple, Kaliyah is wondering whether to lower her walls and befriend Isaiah after seven years of bickering.

My thoughts

It was great to see two people, who have known each other for a while but never really spoke apart from to bicker, become friends and then something more. If you bicker with someone like a married couple it's obvious you're suppose to be together. The fact they went into the story already knowing each other, made the relationship towards two more spread out and take it's pace which made sense this being a short story. It was enjoyable and a great quick read. Score 4/5


  1. This sounds like such a cute story, I'm a sucker for romance novels! x

  2. It was a great, fast read. I love a good romance too x


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Much love
Kate ♥