
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Book Review #1

Carrying on from Beautiful Creatures and Beautiful Darkness, Beautiful Chaos and Beautiful Redemption are next.These novels are Fantasy.

Beautiful Chaos - So along time with the first and second book (mainly the first) Ethan and Lena the two leading characters are brought together through their dreams, Lena also moves to the town where Ethan lives and there relationship starts from there. Beautiful Chaos is a perfect title for a town that ends up chaotic and is unraveling, Ethan and Lena believe they both can save the town. With Ethan losing his marbles they soon come to find they can save the town but that will involve death when the one being two is actually Ethan. The books about sacrificing yourself for the one you love, making arch enemies who then turn out to be one of your closest friends, falling in love, being in love whilst trying to save the world.

Beautiful Redemption - Ethan's died, the worlds falling apart and strange things are happening thing's that show maybe Ethan is still around in spirit in the other world - the afterlife. It soon becomes clear Ethan's death wasn't suppose to happen and that he'd been lied to by the queen of the afterlife. Ethan must work together with Lena by leaving clues to succeed in saving the world. 

These book's took me ages to read like months, I couldn't wait to get to the end to find out what happened which seemed a impossible task with my hectic life but I got there eventually yay. So I heard nothing but good things about the books and especially wanted to read at least the first before the movie came out. I love watching book's come to life with a movie especially if there really good reads. Like Harry Potter and Twilight I was excited to see Beautiful creatures come to life on the big screen but then to find to my horror the plot had been changed dramatically compared to the books was a little disappointing to say the least. Don't get me wrong the film is good and I really hope they re-release in a few years time the fans want an exact version of events in a film not missing characters and what not. Four books later and I'm still moaning about the film not being almost exact to the book because the book's are really good the plots good, it's fantasy which I love, romance duh who doesn't like a bit of romance and unlikely friendships. Can they make another film, it's kinda possible but they won't be anything like the books it's impossible really because so much was left out and changed in the first film. Anyways if you like fantasy you'll love these but they aren't in the league of books such as harry potter or fallen by Lauren Kate (which is coming to the big screen). I'm really looking forward to watching the motel instrument, It's also a fantasy and one best seller book well several and is out now. I haven't had chance to read the books but the film looks right up my street so look out for that peeps.

Last few days to enter my giveaway. Take a look and enter please. Tab on the right >

Images taken from Google. Sorry for the extra long post. 


  1. These books sound like they really grip you! Its a pity the first movie was so different from the book, even though I didn't read the book lol, xoxo.

    1. I know. I can't believe I'm still obsessing about it after all this time! It must of had a impact on me some how haha xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥