
Monday, 28 January 2013

Lush Valentine's Day Faves

Does anyone ever think important events of the year are coming round faster and faster. Doesn't feel like two minutes since we were celebrating Valentines Day with our partners and now here it is again. Just over two weeks away. I love the romance surrounding valentines and i want to be wined and dined, spoilt with flowers, chocolates or maybe even a little Lush. 

There isn't a whole lot of choice on Lush for valentines day but i am already craving there Heart of gold box and Tender is the night, which i spotted in the lush paper at the beginning of the month and instantly fell in love with.

Heart of gold

What Lush say;
I want to smother you in French Kisses, make you feel like a Rock Star, be a Sex Bomb From Dusk ‘Til Dawn and be there to Comfort(er) you with my Heart of Gold. Happy Valentine's Day! Everyone deserves a heart-shaped box for Valentine’s Day! What better heart-shaped box than one packed full of fresh, luxurious products? This gift even has an extra special tag that fold out into a heart shaped card!
Can be found here for only £26.50.
A beautiful heart shaped valentine's day red box. Heart of gold comes with a mix of five good sized bath products. 
Including - 

Dusk til dawn massage bar - £4.95 each
What Lush say; There are times, like Valentine’s Day, when you want to make sure your partner is wide awake, energised and ready for anything the night may bring. A massage is always one of the best ways to initiate the evening, and a good rub down with this stimulating bar will ensure your grateful partner has plenty of vim and vigour for other activities.

Rock star soap - £3.40 each
What Lush say; All the joy of a stick of seaside rock, but kinder on the hips. We do like to be beside the seaside with this sweet smelling creamy lather If you love washing with this sweet-smelling vanilla soap, then you’ll really love combining it with our Creamy Candy bubble bar for a bath that’s like trip to the candy shop.

 A french kiss bubble bar - £4.15 each
What Lush say; Lie back and think of France
Sink into a landscape of Provence lavender fields and watch the white foam clouds drift by. Just bend your legs slightly if you want a view of your own Pyreknees! Remember those old Hollywood films where the starlet would be in a bath with a mountain of foam covering her modesty – leaving her to seductively raise one foam covered leg for soaping? Well our Bubble Bars were designed to give exactly that amount of foam if you use the whole thing. But of course you may choose to have slightly less foam in your bath, if there are no cameras around.
The comforter bubble bar - £4.25 each
What Lush say;  Berry yourself under a blanket of soft fruit foam
This isn’t called the Comforter for nothing. We threw everything we had at this one, to make it warming, comforting and reassuring. We wanted a bath that gave the same sense of safety and calm that your favourite teddy, your comfort blanket or a snuggly scarf gives.
At times when you feel you need to protect yourself from the world  - immerse yourself in this pink bath and allow the familiar oils to envelop you in a comforting berry scented embrace.

and a 

Sex bomb bath bomb -  £3.20 each
What Lush say; Grab one of these for a wonderful sensual bath Grabbing a pair is even better! This ballistic is packed full of every sensual, relaxing oil we could find. Clary sage, jasmine and ylang ylang, blended into a classic musk base. We then packed it full of soya milk, so you can step out of the bath feeling like Cleopatra.

All products from the Heart of gold box can be bought seperately.
Tender is the night 

What Lush say; This gorgeous little vanilla, jasmine and ylang ylang scented bar may just be the most romantic product we’ve ever come up with. Tender is the Night is the world’s first soft-centred massage bar, with a light shea and murmuru butter shell that crushes easily in the hand to reveal a fondant core. 

Can be found here for £4.50.

To check out the Valentine's Day Lush collection click here. Whether your in a relationship or single, why not spread some love your way and treat yourself to a little something this Valentine's day.

Mother's Day collection COMING SOON!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥