
Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Garnier BB Cream

I have been lucky enough to receive a couple of samples in the post with in the last week and now i have another one. Which i am really excited about trying. Once again have uploaded this post ready to write my review but i am yet to try it out. I am more excited about this one then the rest because it's in light and the others i found to be way to dark for my milk bottle skin lol. Have been unable to try as yesterday i was celebrating my little boys third birthday, the time as gone so quick he's growing to fast :( He will be a teenager then moving out before i know it. Anyways thanks for baring with me and if your interested come back and read the review. And if you have already tried i would love to hear your thoughts on this product. Review can now be found below :)

Garnier Miracle Skin Perfector BB cream - Light

Today i am doing the review, finally woo. When i emptied some out on to my arm to do the picture of the shade i just thought omg. Against my pale skin it looks so dark. This is one of the products i was really excited to try as it said light on the packet and i haven't been so lucky as to receive light on previous samples. Therefore i thought i was going to be disappointed but fortunately i wasn't, finally a foundation/cream for pale skin. It blends in to the skin really good, so good you can't even tell i am wearing any. The smell is also gorgeous which you don't usually find with foundations which is great. The only negative is the shine that's left after applying it, i am not entirely surprised as it is a cream/foundation. Ideally you need a matte powder for the shine to be gone else your going to look like you have very oily skin. It's usually £9.99 at superdrug but currently on offer for £7.49 also available in medium too.

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Kate ♥