
Saturday, 7 December 2013

Merry Blogmas & Competition

Getting into the Christmas Spirit, You have the chance to own a 90ml bottle of the classic Lacoste scent touch of pink. All you have to do is click on the tab at the right with the Lacoste picture and enter via the Rafflecopter then I will pick a winner at random using

Hi everyone, hope you've had a wonderful start to the weekend? I was such a bad blogger yesterday, I forgot to post my Fashion Friday post, me with the help of selected stores giving you inspiration for party wear on the count down to Christmas and New Year. This post scheduled for yesterday will now be live next Friday. I've been having some rather ridiculous early mornings over the last few weeks, which unfortunately have seen my falling asleep way to early; like last night for example, falling asleep on and off from 8pm. I had in my head that I needed to publish the post, it just didn't happen. 

Today I thought I'd bring you a very short and sweet 'blogmas' post, showing you my tree that I have put up - by myself may I add, also quite early for me! 

I am quite traditional at Christmas and it's always been a family tradition to have a fairy on top of the tree, rather then a star. Many people do have a fairy but I like to say it's a tradition I've grown up with and will continue to do. My grandma and grandad have unfortunately passed now and though Christmas is an enjoyable time and we make the most of laughter, joy and many happy returns it's most unfortunate that I and many others can not enjoy that day with them special ones who have now passed. Growing up I remember several little birds, mainly robin's dotted amongst dainty glass baubles on my grandparents real Christmas tree, when I moved into my own place and bought a tree, I bought a few too. Then I went to Botany Bay which is a cute little mill store and went a bit bird mad on the top floor where all the Christmas deco is and picked up lots of pink feathery birds (all different) that are sparkly with glitter and sequins. It reminds me a lot of my grandparents and it's like a piece of them being with me around the festivities.

I also picked up this glade candle yesterday at Tesco's. I've bought one before for my mum with her beauty pamper birthday bag and oh my is it heaven. The honey and chocolate work wonders to bring this relaxing almost subtle vanilla aroma. It's not over powering and it's not to sickly sweet either, but it fills the room with a gorgeous scent. I had this on last night for a few hours in the bath and after whilst watching a bit of tv before passing out on the sofa and I could still smell it all morning despite not being lit. And for £2.00 it's well the worth the money. It comes in a beautiful glass decorated with golden, creamy pattern that's quite christmasy. I've really got into candles at late, thanks to a win I won. I don't own a large collection of candles, though I have quite a few that are for decoration purposes dotted around the house. But when this runs out I'll be definitely going to the shops to buy another.


  1. Your Christmas tree is beautiful, my mum always stuck a fairy on top too, stars on top of trees are bad luck in our family for some reason lol. Its funny you have the candle because last xmas I was buying the same ones but in different scents, they were reduced also. I'm gonna purchase more candles, you reminded me of them. I'm sorry your grandparents can't be with you but I'm sure they'll be watching, xoxo.

    1. I love a fairy can't imagine ever having a star! The scent is gorgeous...

      It's alright they both died a long time ago. Xx


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Much love
Kate ♥