
Tuesday, 3 December 2013


I went to the Christmas Market in Manchester at the weekend (Saturday, to be precise) and had a look round the shops whilst Christmas shopping. I hadn't really heard of Christmas markets until I happened to be in Manchester last year at the xfactor and saw it all going on. Of course I didn't have time to shop then and vowed I'd go back this year. Even though I had a lovely time, there were times I were walking round feeling like a sardine, praying hot mulled wine wasn't accidentally spilt on me and hoping my mum who is quite small wasn't hit in the face with one of many hot dogs that nearly missed her - even though I'm not mega tall I found I could see over most peoples head, fortunately and had to guide our group out of a rather packed cathedral square. Saying that I would go back, I love the merry atmosphere, the food but I'd definitely recommend going on a week day. 

We started off here just outside the Arndale and walked along towards the higher end shops Louis Vuitton, French Connection, Lacoste, Molton Brown, etc and walked past a crazy person.

He's not crazy really - this is exactly why I love the city! You don't see this sorta thing where I'm from.

We were mega hungry due to missing dinner and had a late one around 3.30ish at a lovely Mexican restaurant on the main high street called Las Lguanas.

I could of done with a few of these after my shopping experience lol. I'm not a shopper but Manchester was one shopping trip I was really looking forward to.

I have a bit of a phobia when it comes to raw meats, etc (which is why I question sometimes why I'm not a vegetarian) I can't touch meat at all and barely cook any raw meat related product unless absolutely necessary and I try not to touch the meat and just fling it in the pan from the container it comes in. But I'm very much a daring person and will happily finish off all my mum's jalapenos for her (Like I did at this restaurant), I also like to try new foods - who say's I'll come to this restaurant again - I wasn't very hungry and wanted something light and went for clay fish, I've never heard of clay fish and didn't know what to expect all I knew was I liked fish and the dish sounded very tasty. It was good and so was the salad right down to eating what it came in - spicy tortilla which happened to be spicier then the jalapenos. The restaurant was very lovely, with a great intimate atmosphere and very well priced.

My mum had lamb meatballs that had a lovely taste of mint with rice - she said it was spicy, I disagree!

I finished the night off with a delicious German hotdog along with my step-dad. I'd show you what I bought but they are Christmas presents but I do have a small haul coming soon.

Have you been to any markets?


  1. Looks like you had a fab time :) I'm off to the Christmas markets in Manchester on Saturday but I'm preparing myself for it to be super busy! x

    1. I imagine it will be due to it being only 2 and half weeks until Christmas at that time. You'll still have fun and enjoy it despite the business. The merry atmosphere helps :) xx

  2. I've only been to Manchester once when I was around 11/12 years old and loved the shopping centre. One of my grans used to live there so that was the reason we went. I dislike seafood but love other Mexican food :), can't wait to see your haul! xoxo.

    1. It's only a little haul. I like to think of myself as adventurous when it comes to food! xx


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Much love
Kate ♥