
Saturday, 15 June 2013

Get Summer Ready #1

Sometimes people need a helping hand when it comes to getting summer ready and I thought had be that hand. On this picture board (collage) is my summer inspired beauty products. I haven't necessarily tried all the products in the picture however I have tried the brands so I know sort of what to expect. I had so much fun putting this together and doing so I felt a 13 going on 30 moment going on when she's putting the boards together for the magazines. It did take a very long time (I won't tell you how long) but a very, very long time because this is the first in a get summer ready three part series and I hope you like it. You can click the picture allowing it to be enlarged so you can read the small prints easier.

Where ever your going in the summer whether that's abroad or staying on home turf or even having a mini UK break every beauty lover is going to be wearing some make up of some kind whether that's minimal or the normal, foundation, mascara etc etc.

Keeping safe: We are fortunate enough that most make up comes with many benefits including SPF my foundation of choice Rimmel wake me up does and so does Korres lip butter making it perfect for day time wear. But sun protection is important so remember to use sun cream, at the end of the day keep your skin hydrated with body butter and your facial area with Amie's deep cooling clay mask which will make you feel refreshed in 15 minutes. And drink lots of water.

Make up: FashionistA palette by MUA is the perfect palette to pop in your bag coming in two sizes you can pick four shades or six and these include a mixture of eyeshadows, blushers and bronzers perfect for taking it from day to night and keeping packing to a minimum. Make one today to suit your own personal style. Day time is the perfect time to just leave your look to a minimum using just neutral shades come night time it's time to party and you will want them bold statement colours, MUA's lipstain in fruitilicious will keep you going all night without top ups, where has Dainty Dolls it's my party will give you bold statement lips, wear it matte or had the so vain lipgloss for a glossy feel.

Shades: Pastels and neon colours are very in right now and perfect for summer so add some colour to them nails and get summer ready. 

Scent: Smell gorgeous with your favourite signature summer scent. Hugo boss orange is my summer scent of choice for night time and a little spray of soap and glory's mist you madly is just perfect for day. Keeping you smelling beautiful in just one click.

I have used all products except the palette and waterproof mascara. I have used the body butter but in a different scent but coconut is a more summery scent so was my butter of choice. I have used venus shavers but not this exact one. My mum owns two of the nivea travel essentials one I bought, I haven't used all products inside however have used a few. If you want any help finding each product, then give me a comment and I will help you find them :)

All photos taken are from Google, each individual site has brand seen or drug stores. If any company wants me to take down their product email me and I will happily do so. 


  1. This is a nice post hun, I can't imagine how much time and effort you put into it! xoxo.

  2. Hey hun, I just typed a message but my internet cut off so I don't know if it sent. I just stated that I'm gonna miss your posts and will stay in contact with you. Its a nice post you made :D, oh and the is a twitter beauty bloggers meeting on weds and Sun that's supposed to last an hour but lasts longer, I've only take part twice but its not my type of thing, xoxo. Enjoy your Sunday :)

    1. I got one short message. I don't understand the I will miss your posts bit? Thank you for liking this it took me over half a day way over half a day lol and I've done two more like this :) xx oh and the twitter thing?

    2. If you type #bbloggers on twitter's search box, you can check what time the meetings on, xoxo.

    3. I know a lot of girls get lots of followers through this but I find it hard to talk to some of the ladies and even when they sent me links via twitter, they didn't follow me back lol, xoxo.

    4. Why do you feel like you can't talk to them? In all honesty I'm not bothered about gaining followers of course if I do then I'm happy but I am more interested in the views going up knowing someones reading my posts makes me happier. I'm not into the whole if you follow me I will follow you I always believe if you like someones blog then you should just follow them anyways. Of course if someone asks I always do out of politeness. Anyone who does follow me I always look at their blog and tend to follow back. To me bloggings a hobby and fun for people to go as far as to buy their audience which is fake makes the whole thing a little competitive to some and it shouldn't be like that. I'd rather work hard to biuld a wider audience then get lovely things like invited to events etc etc. At the end of the day everything starts small businesses, magazines the lot and they get where they are through hard work and determijation to be one of the best.

    5. Sorry about my spelling mistakes I'm on my phone lol typing fast xx

    6. Lol I never ask for others to follow me back but I don't mind if they ask me to. I always follow people back out of politeness too, but I read their blogs, not just look at pictures. I think there's some fakeness and snobbery in some chats and people have been told their opinions are wrong or what they should do with their blog. Tbh I believe people can do whatever they want to do on their blogs as long as its not illegal or puts people down, xoxo.

    7. I didn't mean you personally you just see it happening. Well that's a shame bloggings all about personal opinion nobody needs to agree on stuff but there isn't any need for bullying and arguing. Socially I don't speak about my blog only interacting with people when I comment on a post or vice versa on my own. I talk to you a lot and a girl called Laura and thats it tbh. I don't think people need to be competative in this line of stuff when its nothing but a hobby and fun. If you manage to make an income out of it or a careert then well done to them but in the mean time others should just stick to it as fun rather then some sort of competition. I haven't come across it before really but it happened to Laura one time just because she disagreed and some girl wrote on her blog her post was rubbish and really boring. Xx

    8. Its really silly how people can argue over some things lol, I think we should all agree to disagree, especially as some products may work for one person and not another, xoxo.

    9. Exactly. Noticed yesterday that the Body butter the same one but a mini was in the magazine from this post too. Makes it worth while doing the posts knowing successful magazines agree that the product is perfect for summer lol xx

  3. Its about beauty products, this is the blog that organises it xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥