
Wednesday, 12 June 2013

A HUGE Selection Of Bath Products

  In the Boxing/January day sales i purchased this huge sanctuary boxset from Boots. I had a voucher from Christmas, and along with a few other bits and pieces this was a welcome addition because i was going to buy a really tiny pack of four for a fiver until I got to the checkout and the woman said the big set was going for just a tenner down from forty pounds. I refused at first and walked out the store and then went back and got the huge set. And I'm so glad i did. This came with lots of different goodies including foot creams, body butters, shower scrubs, bath salts, shower gels, bubble bath and body lotion in a lovely box which is displayed in my bathroom and a bonus shower cap which I never use but still. I'd never tried Sanctuary until i got this and i can't believe what i have been missing all this time. I won't go in too, to much detail but each product smells gorgeous, their all the same scent but its such a lovely scent. I can't describe what the scent is but it's gorgeous. If you haven't tried Sanctuary which I'm pretty sure majority have then you must. This is usually £40 in the 3 for 2 at boots Christmas time. I definitely grabbed a bargain.

 Needless to say with all the lush stuff I got, sanctuary and soap and glory I won't be needing anymore bath stuff until christmas at least. I still had loads left from the previous Christmas so I'm building up quite the collection. Again not going to bore you by going into to much detail it's only over six month since Christmas passed and you have probably seen these products countless times. But seriously Soap & Glory products are good enough to eat, never mind the names making you feel like your about to rub food all over your body it's the smell, they don't half smell great. Instead of going into to much detail, I will simply tell you my favourites out of the set. Sugar Crush (yum), Peaches and clean (yummy), Body Milk (delicious, just kidding. Smells divine though) And the sexy mother pucker lip gloss (not for windy days).

More soap and glory spent with birthday money. I wanted the sprays £8.50, then they had butter yourself on offer for free if you spent £10 not going to say no when it's worth £10/11 it's self I spent an extra £2.50 on a travel size of The daily smooth body butter which is for dehydrated dry skin. The body butter smells fabulous, so fruity I will be rubbing this on my arms and legs in the summer. It's got the perfect summer smell to it.
Soap & Glory’s fabulous Girligo this is perfect to put on after putting on the body butter daily smooth, very sexy day spray Mist You Madly this is what I got this for, I love this scent it's lovely, and irresistably amber & floral Glam-A-Lot I find this to be quite a musky scent. This is more night time whilst the other two scream day.

I know it may seem a little weird me showing you my Christmas gifts, but these are two firm favorite brands when it comes to body wash, etc. And you practically use them everyday so what better way to introduce you to bath stuff that I love. And maybe give inspiration for Christmas gifts. Time is going so fast, it will be here again before we know it.


  1. Haha I think your becoming a Soap and Glory fan. They do have great products, I normally don't get box sets because I never seem to finish things off, bad me lol, xoxo.

    1. I've liked the brand for a while. This is just what I've got in the last year. The products last ages I'm still using some up from two and half years ago. Xx


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Much love
Kate ♥