
Saturday, 16 February 2013

What I Got For Valentine's Day.

I love seeing what people received for special occasions like Birthday's, Christmas or even Valentine's Day. Here is what i got off my other half for Valentine's.

A single red rose.

A bunch of flowers.
Lindt Lindor chocolates. (Best chocolates ever)

Lush - Heart of gold set.

This came with five full size products 

  • From Dusk Til Dawn
  • Rock Star
  • French Kiss Bubble Bar
  • The comforter Bubble Bar
  • Sex Bomb
 Read more here.

We also went for a lovely meal, i ate way to much and ended up going to bed feeling ill. But i feel great now. Hope you equally had a fantastic day and if you have partners got spoilt.


  1. All your presents look lovely :o)

    My husband bought me an Eeyore Pillow Pet!

    He's very cute and cuddly just like my man

    Jac x0x

    1. That sounds fab. I love eeyore got a big obsession with eeyore lol. I should of mentioned that in the facts about me. #Addicted


  2. I got that lush set too xx

    mac lipstick giveaway.

    1. Ohh lucky us :P

      I will come by and check it out xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥