
Thursday, 22 January 2015

If I Stay - Movie Review

Image source: Google Images

It's most unusual for me to write a review on a film that came out ages ago. It's only recently that I've managed to watch it myself. Everyone one, and there mother, brother, auntie and dog may or may not have seen this, or even read the book, but it had such an impact on me I just thought I'd give it a little mention.

 If I stay is one of those films that starts off heartwarming, all happy families, gorgeous boyfriend, lovely house and then it get's sad, devastating and heartbreaking, yet at the same time kind of lovely. I grew up watching the same films everyone else cried at and didn't lose a tear, I swear I had a heart of stone until I became a Mum and then my hormones changed, I became much more sensitive and now when I watch a film with others, I'm not sat there thinking 'why are they crying', I'm crying with them. Except on this occasion I was in bed, whilst my boyfriend snored away... so rock and roll. I've not cried so much watching a film since I watched The Fault in our Stars. If I stay is a beautiful film, Chloe Moretz did an incredible job and without giving anything away I highly recommend this film.


  1. I love this movie so much... it so sad!! xxx


    1. It was so sad. I loved it though, such a great film x

  2. Wow I kind of have a way of avoiding films that make me cry haha, but it sounds like it touched you a lot. I'll have to check it out for sure :) great review! xx

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    1. It did. It's one of those films where the story will stay with me for a long time. I'll definitely watch it again but they'll be no more tears cause I know what happens now lol.

      I will come by when I have my laptop out and I can do stuff better x

  3. Oh I bailed my eyes out! such a good film thou, shame about the storyline!



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Much love
Kate ♥