
Saturday, 3 January 2015

Essie - Toggle To The Top

 Essie isn't a brand I've tried much of. I've owned a few polishes here and there, and picked up 1 from Fragrance Direct a few years back where they sell them super cheap. I was thrilled to find this beauty in the BBB box (British beauty blogger dream box 2). It's a really nice polish for the Christmas season, that is now over, but is a beautiful shade for winter and comes with plenty of sparkle.

 Introducing Toogle to the Top. The shade is a lot more beautiful in real life and a lot more darker then the swatch, which is only 1 coat, I would recommend at least 2. It's a very dark burgundy, almost a plum type shade and the glitter is quite muted and not very in your face but beautiful all the same. I found the glitter applied evenly in 2 coats and gave great coverage to each individual nail. It dried really quickly which really impressed me, and I finished it off with a matte top coat. Really liked using this Essie polish and definitely want to pick up more. I can see now why they are so popular.


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Much love
Kate ♥