
Tuesday, 6 January 2015

A sort of Sales Haul - January Edition

This is long over-due haul, despite it being only the 6th of January. It feels like I've owned these bits for ages, yet I only got one of them today and one in the post yesterday, and everything else in the last week of December. Is it just me that feels like it's been ages since Christmas ended, despite only taking my tree down yesterday? Probably. I've not really shopped in the sales this year, even though I got gift cards, I'm mad I tell you, MAD! I popped into Boots but nothing took my fancy, I had, however, ordered some lovely bits online at 5.30am Christmas Eve when my body clock decided it was broke... don't ask! Let's get on and see what I bought.

 I absolutely love Boots at Christmas time, especially come Christmas Eve when all the gift sets are in the sale and you can really grab a bargain or two, or in my case, four. Everything I picked up was half price. It's always my excuse to pick up a bottle of perfume. I have quite a few perfumes so don't tend to ask for any come Christmas or Birthdays, unless I'm desperate for a certain one. I've smelt the Lady Gaga one before but totally forgot what the scent smells like, all I know is I like it and for £12.50 the price was to good to miss.

 I've not tried anything from the Ted Baker beauty range, cosmetic wise, and this set was only £5.00 in the sale. I go away a few times a year and have a proper holiday to, so these mini's are perfect for traveling. If I'm honest it was the box that sold me.

 I love my comfy pj's and I can be found regularly at Tesco's checking out the clearance/sales section. I found this beautiful shimmery, pink cotton top for £5.00 and the grey star bottoms were only £4.50. I've followed Lylia Rose on Twitter for sometime but never bought any of her jewellery. The other day I logged on to Twitter and this bracelet popped up, it's just beautiful and was only £6.39. Lylia Rose are currently running a January sale and with code JANSALE you can get an extra 30% off (so it was less then a fiver), plus they have free delivery on all orders - They also deliver to Europe. I've wanted an Eeyore charm for quite sometime, not sure how others look that are much more expensive but this one was about £5.99 from Amazon. I believe it's from Charm Buddy or something. Either way, it'll do. The right looks more realistic than the left.

 If buying books was a new years resolution I would of stuck to it with flying colours. Despite getting an impressive 11 books for Christmas I've already bought 3 more since. I got I'll Take New York by Miranda Dickinsons - one day I shall take New York. Me Before You by JoJo Moyes - heard loads about her and decided I needed to read something by her and this books sold 3 million copies. Plus, I wasn't far off of the £10.00 spend for my Amazon order to qualify for free delivery and I thought £3.00 on delivery charge or £3.00 on new book. The only book I really wanted was It's Not Me It's You by Mhairi McFarlane - up-to-date she's released 3 books, this being her third, and the first 2 were fantastic reads, really witty and laugh out loud. The first being my favourite. If you love Sophie Kinsella I recommend you Google this woman's name and buy or download her first book, you won't be disappointed. Whilst in Tesco's buying my pj's I had a look at the Dvd section and my eye caught this movie, or movies. I'm a huge fan of Annie, the original, the modern day release will never replace my love for the original and I just had to get it, plus, I love Matilda, both complete classics and it was only £5.00. Everyone says my daughter looks like Matilda, I don't see it personally.

 I picked up these beautiful, vintage inspired measuring cups from Boots. I just thought they were so cute and a lot nicer then your typical measuring jug. I also picked up an hand mixer from Dunelm. It was only cheap, less then £12.00 and I was desperate for one.

So there you have it. I still have vouchers and cash left from Christmas so they maybe another haul before the month is over.

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  1. You got some absolute bargains! I've tried some Ted Baker products before and have always been impressed. xx

    A Fashion Tale // UK Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  2. the Ted baker products are so good x

    1. I can't wait to use them. I'm yet to give them a whiff :) x

  3. Replies
    1. Me too. I'm going town of Fri seeing if there's anything left. I need a new purse x

  4. Awesome haul for January! I'm not a Ted Baker fan but their stuff in my Boots seemed to have the best sales, hope you enjoy them.
    I spy a familiar donkey like item too ;) haha

    Best wishes, Danielle xo

    1. Ah that's a shame. I've not even smelt what the scents like yet, but it was the box that sold me. I'll definitely been keeping hold of it once the products are used up. I'm a huge fan of eeyore :) x

  5. You got some amazing bargains. I love the Lady Gaga perfume, and those measuring cups are so cute ^_^

    Juyey xx

  6. Love the look of that Ted Baker stuff! Abi :)

    1. I'm sure I'll do a review at some point. Just need to try it first x

  7. Brilliant haul! Here's mine, I did well in Boots and Lush this year! :-)


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Much love
Kate ♥