
Sunday, 19 January 2014

Book Takeover Sunday | Double Dare By Rhonda Nelson

Image taken from Goodreads
At time of purchase Double Dare was free from Amazon for Kindle.

Runaway Bride Louisa Honeycut is look for an escape, an adventure far away from her rich, business man father who has set up a wedding to a man she doesn't love in hopes of financial gain with two businesses merging. On the run, Louisa see's the sign Double Dare, Inc sign and the slogan "Are you ready for the time of your life?" and Louisa certainly is after the time of her life and she plans to get it asap. 

Louisa comes by Double Dare worker Sam Rawlins, he's ordinary, good looking with a smile to die for and certainly get's Louisa' heart pounding. Nothing could of prepared him for the adventure Lousia is planning, nor the stunning girl that stands before him that equally gets his heart pounding. Will a romance be on the cards or may the adventure of a life time be over before it's even started?

My thoughts

Louisa is your typical girl next door, sweet, inexperienced but at the same time very flirty with a need for adventure. Sam isn't so innocent, but very much a gentlemen with a eye for business and adventure. The story line was a good plot and I'm glad, though they had an eye for one another and they were a lot of flirtatious behaviour, Sam acted like a true gentlemen and didn't jump into bed with Louisa straight away due to her innocence. The book was very short and the story felt like they unraveled a love for one another after a few days of knowing each other, with such flirtatious behaviour it felt more like lust then romance at first and wasn't until near the end you felt that love unravel into more of a true romance, saying that I felt the ending could of been extended to make the novel longer with more of a romance rather then lust. The story was a good read and I enjoyed the plot and funny parts, some bits could of been improved but for a freebie I'm not complaining. Score 3.5/5

Sorry I've abandoned my blog recently and not done a post since Wednesday. Life as been up in the air since before Christmas and I've had other commitments that have taken me away from posting as much as I'd like too. But don't worry A British Sparkle is never far from my thoughts and I hope to make time for my little piece on the web more often - I've got a ton of posts to write up. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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Kate ♥