
Friday, 14 December 2012

Merry Christmas

& A Happy New Year ♥

 My post's i have wrote will be my last for some while. My internet is almost up, it may well already be whilst i write this but i had to give my followers something and even though it won't last for however long i am gone. At least it's a little something from me too you. I will see you all after Christmas because that's when it tops up again. Fortunately i am getting 10gb more then i have now, yay. I always planned to take a break because Christmas is coming and i want to spend time with my children, boyfriend and family now. So have got everything i needed to out the way and i will be doing loads more post with all my new goodies i receive at Christmas. Despite not writing on my blog, i will still pop by read your blogs, write comments and do a few mini posts with special offers if i see any from my phone. 

I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas & a happy new year just in case i don't post anything before new year.

Much Love

To companies who do read this. Sparkle Dust is PR Friendly - If you wish to get in contact please do at

If you have any suggestions i would love to hear them and will look else where (my mums) for internet. 


  1. Have a wonderful Christmas, from tomorrow I'll be taking a break from blogging too, xoxo.

  2. Thank you. You also. I did all the posts with my own net and have still got a bit left and its topped up again next week. Don't know why i was so worried lol. But enjoying the break :) so you do too also xx

  3. Hey love your blog, followed u through BBloggers xo

  4. Thank you jade. I will pop by your blog later :) xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥