
Tuesday, 19 November 2013

A Small Haul | Boots & Asda

 Hi people, I hope you all had a good weekend? Sorry I've not had chance to post in a few days. In all honesty I've been a little lazy when it comes to blogging and just been enjoying some chill out time, I also was recently ill and currently on antibiotics. Today I went shopping, I say shopping but I mean to Boots for some essential bits and thought I'd share it what I got with you - even if some products are a little boring!

First up are a few kind of boring but important essentials. Radox bubble bath from the Eastern spirit range. This a rejuvenating blend, with oriental lotus flower and orange blossom. Wow is this flowery with a fruity scent to it and for only a £1.00 from Asda it was a bargain especially considering the size - 500ml. I recently bought a Nivea facial wash which I'm almost out of and decided to try this kind to skin moisturising facial wash from the simple range. It comes with two sets of vitamins in the ingredient I'm hoping it will be softer and less harsher on my, (what can be sometimes) sensitive skin - £3.00 Asda. 

My natural hair colour can be a little dull. It's very dark but it's that sort of shade that needs some colour to it. I used the Garnier Nutrisse creme a few months ago and was impressed - I think it was this colour, I can't remember. Either way, my hair is due some colour because it's still slightly two toned after my ombre look I did before the summer and at the moment I have three different shades in my hair. This is a non-daring deep burgundy. 

I know what your thinking. Impulse? Is this girl 15 lol. No I'm not, but I love Impulse it's my go to deodorant in fact it's mainly the scent romantic spark, it really is lovely with violet and white wood scents. Hmmm, I think it's obvious my love for the scent because I got two in 2 for £2.50 and I could of easily got a different scent. I usually get sure roll on because I have a favourite scent from that range too, but the nivea pearl & beauty was half price so I grabbed it off the shelf at Boots.

Next up I went and treated myself to Costa. I absolutely love the range of hot chocolates from Costa at Christmas time, especially the black Forrest one. Yes high in calories but like I said it was a treat and to be honest I don't care it's all about moderation. 

It was 3 for 2 at Boots and I still had a receipt from the time me and my step dad went Trafford Centre shopping (well him) and he gave me the receipt for an extra £3.00 off when you get a 3 for 2 on cosmetics. I could of chose loads of things but was very good and got two stay matte powders which I go through fairly quickly so they'll be no need for any new ones anytime soon and a nail polish from Barry M's new textured range additions in Princess. It's a beautiful sparkly pink with flicks of gold glitters throughout. There were all £3.99 each, one was free, take the £3.00 off and I only spent £4.98. 

Lastly my magazines, I get New and Whats on TV every week. Pretty boring, but I live in my own place so TV magazine is necessary. 

I'm pleased to say I went out with a list, I bought everything on my list no extras - yes the 3 for 2 was on the list! Only additional item was Costa, but does a drink count - I don't think so!


  1. that nail polish looks amazing!! this post makes us itching to hit the shops!

  2. We have costa at work, I usually save my money but I've promised myself a hot chocolate tomorrow - mainly because of the snowman design on the packaging!

    Sharon xx

    Beauty, Miscellany

    1. I hope you enjoyed it. They are so delicious. I'm glad the nearest one is town lol else I would be in most days xx


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Much love
Kate ♥