
Wednesday, 28 December 2016

What I Got For Christmas - 2016 Edition

Honestly, I get more and more shocked each passing year at the kind natured people that surround my life and how they go above and beyond to truly make Christmas special and also by spoiling me with the most thoughtful gifts. This year was no different and I was shocked at the amount I received and also very grateful. For me, personally, Christmas isn't about giving and receiving, it's about spending time with my loved ones and making sure it's an extra special day filled with food, laughter, and pure joy. I do love to spoil those close to me with gifts and make sure my children have the most magical day. Come Christmas time I'm waiting in anticipation for the 'What I got for Christmas' posts making an appearance on my blogger dashboard. I know these aren't to everyone's tastes but there among my favourite Christmas posts and I love seeing what everyone received. I hope you had the most magical Christmas and are waiting in anticipation for New Year and the start of 2016 going out with a bang.

My Nexus 7 stopped working over a year ago. I don't know what went wrong with it but it just didn't want to charge and therefore it wouldn't turn on. I've not thought about getting it fixed and it's probably a minor problem that is fixable and something I should probably looking into in the foreseeable future. I was gifted the Amazon Fire 7inch 5th generation tablet which is the 2015 version. It's only 8gb but come's with a handy SD card slot. These are super cheap to pick up if you look around and well worth more than the cost. I managed to pick up 2 for the kids for Christmas and they were only £29.99 each. These are a great treat for kids on the weekends and I've managed to make them child-friendly with them currently sitting in child mode. Social media is blocked and a password is needed for most of the apps, but my two enjoy it for the CBeebies app and Youtube. What I also like about the child-friendly version is the fact you're able to put timers on them and an alarm for when it's bedtime or you want your child to read a book.

I received not just one but two Pandora pieces this year and that included an official Pandora bracelet. I have a charm bracelet that was gifted to me on my 21st Birthday and it's one of my most special possessions but it's not Pandora and it's almost full too. I also got a charm to go on it. I also received this bag from Very and I absolutely love it. It's grey in colour with copper detailing and is a real gem - I can't wait to start using it.

I was given a whole bunch of beauty products and was thoroughly spoilt beauty wise. Snow Fairy is my absolute favourite and I was super pleased to find the biggest bottle you can find underneath the tree. These Ted Baker compacts are super cute and inside is a nail polish and fragrance spray. I also received a Bomb Cosmetics gift set and the Soap & Glory Merry Kiss Much trio of lip crayons.

More Bomb Cosmetics... a couple of fragrance gift sets and the Soap & Glory Soaper Spa gift set. How gorgeous is the Ghost Deep Night gift though?

I've wanted a Zatchel for ages, so when my Mum bought me one for Christmas I was absolutely thrilled. The shape I got is Sugarcube and one of the newer styles from Zatchel. I got the colour Lilac Grey and it's just gorgeous. Zatchel currently have a sale on and you can pick up these bags for £36 here. I  also got a set of tea cups and I love how Autumnal they are in colour. I also got three boxsets - The Vampire Diaries season 6 and 7 and The Glee Finale - finally!!

I also got the limited edition Makeup Revolution iconic nude makeup brush set that comes with nine makeup brushes and a beauty blender. This was such a bargain when it was bought at £19.99 and by boxing day it was on offer for £9.99 and although out of stock online if you're lucky and I mean extremely lucky with them being such a bargain you may be able to pick it up in your local Superdrug still. These are made with synthetic hair and feel to be of really good quality for the price.

I also got these mix and match pj's from F&F at Tesco and the starry dressing gown they sit on from Very. I've not put everything I got into this post else it would be extremely photo heavy. I also got money, vouchers, chocolates, slippers, note book, a pamper and accessory hamper, and the Harry Potter trivia, etc. 

I was really spoilt and feel very lucky and appreciative. I've actually spent quite a bit of Christmas money and vouchers in the sale and got some treats before Christmas so keep an eye out for my haul in early January. What did you get? If you've wrote a post leave a comment in the section with your link.

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Much love
Kate ♥