
Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy New Year ♥

Happy New Year Guys!! Wow, 2016 definitely flew by in a huge blur. It feels like I've hardly had anytime to blink and let myself adjust to life. The last 12-14 months have definitely left me feeling a mixture of emotions and I've adjusted to a lot of change in that time. So much has happened and those adjustments have for sure been hard to deal with at times, but they've also been lots of exciting and good times too. Although the year hasn't exactly ended on the most positive of notes personally, I'm trying to go into 2017 with a positive and optimistc outlook that everything will work itsself out and be alright. It's easier said than done and it's a very daunting experience but I've to take the good with the bad and hope everything works out in my favour and for the best. 

Thing's I've learned in 2016!!

  • It's alright to put yourself first every now and again.
  • If someone has nothing but a negative impact on your life than you should definitely let go for your own sanity. That maybe temporarily or maybe forever but until that person sorts their s**t out then you need to make the decision that suits you best, especially if children are involved.
  • It's alright not to be alright.
  • Communication is key. Bottling thing's up is never the answer and if you feel you need to get something off your chest because of how a spouse, friend or family member have made you feel then it's best to talk openly about it so then you can solve the problem. If you find that doesn't work then at least you can say you've tried.
  • At times anxiety and life will get the better of you and if you need to talk to someone about your problems be that a doctor or counseller than you should. It maybe a daunting experience if you suffer with social anxiety but talking always helps.
  • You are never alone!!!
  • Stop worrying so much. 
  • Stop feeling the need to justify myself - I know the truth and what's what.

New Years Resolutions!!

  • Start learning to drive again and pass. I actually passed my theory not that long ago and even though I've been learning to drive for quite sometime, this month (December 2016) I decided to end my lessons and concentrate on myself for a bit. I've been dealing with some personal problems and my anxiety was off the radar. I was slightly disappointed with myself that I felt it necessary to temporarily cancel all driving lessons for the forseeable future considering I was so close to taking my test, but I am determined to get back into it sooner rather than later.
  • Blog more. The last year saw me abandon my blog on an extensive level. I absolutely love blogging and it's still loved as much as it was the first day I started. I think I've done December proud in terms of writing posts in comparison to the rest of the year.

I've decided not to put too much pressure on myself to achieve too much. 2016 definitely saw me push myself to take steps and overcome my anxiety, especially the social side of it and step outside of my comfort zone and take huge leaps. Unfortunately by the end of the year most of that had slipped and my anxiety was once again getting the better of me. I'm going to spend the 2017 concentrating on me and my children, enjoying family life and welcoming a new addition early Sping. 

I hope you have a great new year however you spend it. Have you got any resolutions for 2017? Let me know in the comment section.

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Much love
Kate ♥