
Saturday, 20 June 2015

The Book List Challenge

I'm a book hoarder. There, I've said it. There's come a time where I have to take charge and stop purchasing books. It's an endless circle of buying, shoving them on my bookshelf and then buying again. There's not even enough reading going on for the amount I am buying and it's come to the point where I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed by the amount of books I still have to read, yet buying books is such a wonderful feeling and I pick them up whenever I can. For those who say 'I don't have time to read' (me included) it's certainly not true. 10 minutes is all it takes, before you go bed, in the bath, reading is do-able anywhere and I'm one of those who could make the time if I chose to read rather than doing other things like watching tv, reading blogs or catching up on Youtube. Nothing beats a good book, discovering new characters and trying to work out the plots and wondering what will happen at the turn of every page. 

So, I've decided to come up with The Book List Challenge and if you're a big reader or find yourself coming up with the same 'I haven't got time' excuses I'd love for you to join me on this challenge. All you have to do is write down every single book you've still got to read or started reading but never finished. Add the above book challenge button to your blog and link it to your book list challenge post. Also, set yourself a deadline of reading all your books (this can be any time) and remember to regularly update your post by crossing off what you have read. Comment below with your links and I'll check out your posts and how you're getting on. 

Currently Reading

The Maze Runner by James Dashner - This is my current read, but I shall be abandoning it for a little while well I read and complete Grey by E L James. I don't tend to start another book whilst reading another, but I loved the Fifty Shades trilogy enough to do so.

The 'Official' Book List Challenge

 1. The Scorch Trials 2. The Death Cure 3. The Kill Order by James Dashner - book series here.

4. Girl Online by Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella).

5. A Perfect Heritage by Penny Vincenzi (Freebie with Birchbox purchase online). 

7. Waterfall by Lauren Kate

8. The Love of Her Life 9. I Remember You 10. Going Home by Harriet Evans - all 3 here.

11. Chances 12. Secrets 13. Pillow Talk by Freya North - all 3 here.

14. Remember me? by Sophie Kinsella

15. Captivated by You by Sylvia Day

16. One Night: Denied 17. One Night: Unveiled by Jodi Ellen Malpas

18. Make My Wish Come True by Katie Price

27. I'll Take New York by Miranda Dickinson

28. Lucy in the Sky by Paige Toon

29. Me Before You 30. The One Plus One both by JoJo Moyes 

31. The Mistress by Martine Mccutcheon

32. Sealed with a Kiss by Rachael Lucas

33. Always You by Erin Kaye

34. It's Not Me It's You by Mhairi Mcfarlane

35. The Love Shack 36. My Single Friend both by Jane Costello

37. Walk on By by Stacey Solomon 

38. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Very Freebie)

Started but didn't Finish

Fan Girl by Rainbow Rowell
  Celebrity Bride by Alison Kervin
How Not To Shop by Carmen Reid


My step-dad is a cub leader and regularly clears out bits of junk and things they no longer need. I was sat in their dining room and couldn't help notice the table had a couple of crates of books. I asked what they were doing with them and my step-dad informed me they were going to be getting chucked in the bin. Well, me being the book lover I am wasn't going to allow that to happen. Between me and my sister we had a look inside to see which we'd like to read and the remaining I took to give away to charity. 

True Believer by Nicholas Sparks
Pastures New by Julie Williams
Sparkles by Louise Bagshawe
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffengger

Extra - flick through reads.

The Glam Guide by Fleur De Force
A Visual Journey with Ed Sheeran


I have several books on my Kindle, but it's been so long since I actually touched it that I can't even remember what they are. All my unread books on my Kindle are freebies, so I guess it isn't all bad. 


My first deadline will be to read 10 books by the end of September.

Recent Purchases


Some books were gifted to me by family at Christmas and my Birthday. 


  1. Great post! I'm not a book hoarder per se - but definitely an ebook hoarder! It's really bad... But I really loved the Maze Runner series, especially the second book! Make sure to watch the movie(s) afterwards. :) I liked Thomas wayy better in the movie, mostly because I watched some outtakes and Dylan O'Brien seems to be hilarious.
    I also loved everything by Lindsey Kelk and Sophie Kinsella. :)

    1. It's a terrible habit hehe! I loved the first film and bought the book set soon after. I haven't read to much of it and only half way through the Grey Book. I've been enjoying the sun to much x

  2. I'm on goodreads and my challenge this year is to read 100 books. I'm half way there!


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥