
Friday, 31 October 2014

A Little Life Update

Hello everyone. I hope you're all well? Just wanted to give you a little update to let you know what's been going on in my life. Which isn't tons but giving the image it's clear to see I've been on holiday. I went to Turkey and stayed at the beautiful Marmaris Palace, it's a beautiful hotel sat in between Marmaris and Icmeler, and the food was to die for.

If you follow me on Instagram you'll of seen loads of sneak peaks of my holiday already. I will be doing a post along with lots of pictures in the next week or so - I have lots of editing to do yet, and still to even upload them to my laptop. 

I came by to apologise for my lack of one on one. Reading those I follow, leaving comments and, so on. I just wanted to take a week out to enjoy an holiday, have some down time, and spend time with my family. I was fortunate I did have internet which was lucky because I forgot to hit publish on my scheduled posts. It wasn't the best internet ever, though, it seemed to improved on the final two days which happened to be the two best days weather wise. I'm trying to adjust to the cold UK weather, which is relatively mild for us but still going from 25-30 degree's wearing shorts and tee to 3 degrees on landing and needing gloves, scarf's and a coat was a shock to the system to say the least. I was awake for over 24 hours Tuesday going into Wednesday morning, surviving on a short two hours sleep after finally going to bed. I then didn't go to bed until Thursday morning and was awake by 7.30am. I'll get there eventually but I'm so exhausted. It's been none-stop since coming back - I haven't even unpacked - the washing is practically done but you can imagine how much they were as a family of 4 with 2 children 5 and under. We had to do the normal things like a food shop. Getting back Thursday night from being in Newcastle all day and having to take my sister straight to hospital (she came on hol with us). So yes, I am tired but I haven't forgot about you either. I'm going to get into the swing of things in the next few days. I think, by Sunday, I'll be ready to write all the posts out that I've got planned. There's a lot. In the mean time I hope you've enjoyed reading all my book related posts, I have one more coming before we head back to lots of beauty and a holiday post.

Anyways, I hope you are well and enjoyed half term, maybe a cheeky holiday or have a party tonight. Happy Halloween by the way. I'm so excited for bonfire night now! 


  1. I'm going on holiday too soon and it will definitely be a shock to the system going into the heat - its so cold! I can't wait for a break though. :-)
    Alex //

    1. I hope you have an amazing holiday. It's been such a shock, taking a look at my photo's made me having holiday blues. I want to go back!! xx

  2. Wow so lucky to have gone to Turkey I love the photos! Abi :)

    1. I am! I can't wait to share the rest with you :) x

  3. That's so awesome! Turkey sounds amazing! I really love your blog, it's super cool. And hey, I nominated you for a Liebster award, so just have a look at the post thingy and it'll tell you everything that you need to do:

    Annabel xx

  4. Ooh, glad to hear you had a nice holiday! The first photo looks like heaven! xo


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥