
Monday, 15 September 2014

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That | Haul

 It's safe to say I've been on a little bit of a splurge recently and treated myself to a few bits and pieces. If you follow my blog you'll have seen my Summer sale haul, if you've not read it then you can do so here. I'm back today with another haul this time it's a little bit of this and little bit of that.

I have been on the biggest book spree of my life. In just over a month I've collected seven books that currently lie on my table upstairs untouched. I've also downloaded another seven freebies to my Kindle and picked up two out of a huge box of books my parents were going to throw out, which I'm going to donate. You could say I'm book mad. I'm bit by bit getting through them. I recently read my first novel from Sophie Kinsella and fell in love so it was no brainer to go out and purchase some of your guys recommendations. I'm a huge fan of the Mortal Instrument series and City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare is the last in the series (book 6) - Currently waiting patiently for the second film to make an appearance. I've also heard so much about Lindsey Kelk that when ordering a strapless bra I kind of picked up two of her books. Opps! I've given myself the challenge of purchasing no more and giving my parents a list of them to purchase me for Christmas. Yes, there's more I want to read apart from these.

I recently went to Knowsley safari park and saw this bookmark in the gift shop. It's very fitting for a safari park with the wild animals and I instantly fell in love with it. It's also 3D and cost just £2.00.

 Apologies for the harsh flash from the camera. Autumn coming = bad lighting, especially on the day in question.

 I absolutely love The Range, on this one occasion I went in and spent a fortune but every item was worth every penny. What I love about The Range is you can really kit out every room with bits and pieces and not spend to much. This Paris jar above cost less then £3.00 and is a real welcome addition to my bedroom. This didn't come sprinkled in glitter that was me and my little DIY project, I made this jar more me. I also bought my Dad his birthday presents from here. 

I also bought this Butterfly glitter canvas to fill the blank space above my beauty table from The Range for £3.99. I also picked up these artificial roses from the Wedding section for just £2.99. I've wanted to put flowers in my glitter jug for sometime now and these were just perfect. You can purchase similar glass jugs and other glasses from Blingtasia.

I got a belt from Asos in small from the sale, unfortunately it didn't fit and I sent in back in hope for a bigger size but being in the sale it was no longer available at this point and they refunded me. Thankfully, I managed to find a belt I like from New look which is peachy pink. I couldn't properly try it on due to all the tags and got home to find it was to big - I got M/L - so my boyfriend punctured some holes in it for me. After all the hassle I've since figured I'm a S/M. This was only £2.99. 

 My stash of skincare and body products were becoming unbelievably messy and seemed to be cluttering my bathroom up so I picked up these beautiful heart baskets, that I love. There are so spacious and I've managed to fit the majority in. If you follow me on instagram you'll see I uploaded up a pic of these with everything in, if not you can check that out at @ABritishSparkle. These were a set of two for £10.00 at Wilkinsons - link.

My Mum recently made an order through my Very account and when you order from Very you can choose from a selection of freebies. The one I was eligible for this time were these funky cat files. I'm not a crazy cat lady, or lover for that fact but I love these funky cat nail files. 

I also purchases a plain white tee from George. I wanted a white tee for my holiday's, I find they just go with everything and it was only £3.00.

Words will never describe how much I am obsessed with New York. No, I've never been there but I love this place. When I went to a pub about two hours from my house for dinner, after my visit to Scarborough, I actually saw this canvas hung up near to where we sat, even went as far as to comment on how lovely it was to my partner and then didn't think anything of it. Was only fate that my Dad asked for some canvases from The range and I looked online for a nosy and came across it. And here it is, waiting in my bedroom to be hung up in my front room where my current New York picture hangs. This was £17.99 - link.

One of our family members is obsessed with Meerkats so when I saw this at The Range we picked it up to put away for Christmas for them. We just think it's a really hilarious present to be honest, we only hope there's somewhere for them to hang it. I think this was £7.99

So there you have it another haul. Very mix and matched. Have you done any hauls lately? Comment with your links and I'll come have a nosy at them.


  1. You've picked up some really nice stuff. Good job with the glitter DIY as well. I've seen a lot of people mention The Range and their stuff seems really affordable.

    1. I love The Range, they have so many nice stuff. I could seriously spend all day in there and leave with so much, I have to limit myself lol x

  2. I LOVE the About a Girl books….so much fun to read, perfect for holidays!!! :)

    Layla xx

    1. I can't wait to read them. I've such a book hoarder lately, I have so much to read... eck! xx

  3. The funky cat files are too cute!


  4. Nice Haul Kate!! I love reading novels too!! Hope you had a great time shopping..

    1. Most of it was online so it was hassle, crowd free. I've a slight addiction to buying and not reading them. Opps! Not enough hours in the day x

  5. I love Sophie Kinsella's books and have read all of her books. Think her newest one should hit the shelves here in Canada very soon. Easy reads and funny at the same time.

    1. I'm definitely going to buy some of her other books once I've read my huge bundle. I was looking at a few today actually xx

  6. Awww the meerkat picture is adorable, and I love love love those heart baskets xx

    Gemma |

    1. I love the heart baskets too, they've really helped sort my skincare out :) xx

  7. Amazing choice of books, I love all of Sophie Kinsella's. I have just started on the Mortal Instruments series after seeing the film.


    1. I have the last one, I just need to read it! I hope you enjoy the series. I loved it! x


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥