
Sunday, 20 April 2014

Book Takeover Sunday | The Debt & The Doormat Duo

The Debt & The Doormat was free for Amazon Kindle at time of download. The second book in the series The Baby & The Bride was paid for.

 Book 1 - Poppy and Jazz have been best friends since their first week in Uni. Whenever these two are together trouble is never far away, much still hasn't changed since that day. Poppy is forever playing it safe, and though Jazz loves her she lets her know how she feels about Poppy, dull, boring ever since she split up with her soon to be husband. Then there's Jazz, life and soul of the party, forever flashing the cash she doesn't have and facing possible financial ruin. That's until Jazz comes up with a solution to solve all problems, a life swap. Jazz is thrown into an easy, quiet life where as Poppy is thrown into the deep end of new house mates, there's Izzy the fitness freak, Grace who hates her and then there's grumpy but gorgeous Ryan. With the help of Jazz, Poppy's life ends up all over the place and a mess, she's lying to everyone and even ends up with a pretend boyfriend and her families just as crazy as ever, not to mention her sex crazed colleagues and then there's Ryan. It would be so much easier if Poppy wasn't clumsy, but she is, and that just makes the whole thing a whole lot harder.

Book 2 - Things have come a long way since Book 1, Poppy is engaged to be married and Jazz has a new baby. Poppy is trying to keep everyone happy, whilst trying to keep her new job except she knows it's only temporary and working all hours isn't good for her relationship with Ryan, her weddings out of control, she's getting bullied at work and nothing seems to be going right, that includes falling flat on her face. Then there's jazz, she's now a single Mum, in love with Poppy's brother and suffering from postnatal depression and that's not all, she's doubting paternity of her daughter and feels she can't rely on anyone or ask for help. 

My Thoughts
As soon as I read book 1, I downloaded book 2 straight away. Through the craziness, secrets and lying to everyone to keep them happy this is a book based on pure comedy. Rather then have Poppy as prim, proper and perfect she's just your average girl, insecurities like the rest of us, of course wherever she goes there's a drama due to how clumsy she is (which I'm glad isn't the case with me) but she's a really easy to relate to character. She's embarrassed, humiliated, more times then I've had hot dinners but it really makes the books fantastic. The relationship between Poppy and Ryan is crazy but amazing and cute too. They didn't get together straight away but it was nice to see the process of them getting together and then getting engaged. Jazz is a wild girl and in the second book it's great to see how much she changes, how with a baby her wild days are over, and it really goes into depth of how she's feeling well overcoming them baby blues. All in all it's a easy, relate-able, funny novel and I loved them both equally. I recommend you download the first one, which is free and give ago. Laura Barnard did a great job. Score 5/5.

Happy Easter. I hope you all have a great day with family and friends whilst feasting on lots of chocolate. I have tons of the stuff, in fact I won a hamper, so I might show you everything I got in a Freebie April post, since technically the eggs gifted to me are free ;)
Nail polish used: Barry M. Nails done by me.

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Kate ♥