
Saturday, 26 September 2015

Life Update: Hello... I'm Back!

Morning you lovely lot. In regards to feeling pretty perky I'd say I was on 90%. My brain is clearly in overdrive and I can't sleep so I sit writing this at 3.55am. I did lie in bed for an hour attempting to return to the comfort of my dreams but it seems sleep isn't for me on this lovely Saturday morning. So, in regards to abandoning my blog over the September month, that definitely did happen. I can't believe I've only wrote 4 posts out and we're already on the 26th. There's no excuse for me not spending that much time on A British Sparkle apart from the fact I've just found the days speeding by and my life being more busier and more socially active than usual. Returning to my blog will be a priority come October and I promise now to make much more of an effort - I have so much stuff to review and write about and even that's been pushed to the back of the shelf. I hope you haven't missed me too much but I tell you something, I've certainly missed all of you. 

This weekend will be filled with me writing lots of posts and getting back into the swing of things but for now you can catch me on Instagram @ABritishSparkle (I'm totally obsessed with Instagram at the moment and spend far to much time on it). 

See you soon with lots more posts x

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Much love
Kate ♥