
Monday, 28 July 2014

My Week in Pictures

Good evening, everyone. It's lovely to be back and writing this post after a week of no writing. Over the last few weeks, I've lacked when it comes to social interaction on my social media platforms, and commenting in general. I'm now back and getting into the swing of things again, especially after a complete week off from writing. I haven't had writers block, I've just been enjoying the sunshine, spending time with my family and preparing posts ready for my return - which is now

Slowly getting into the swing of things with pictures of what I've been up to over the last few weeks, mainly mumsy things, walks, trips to the park, more walks and lots of ice cream.

Ice cream overload / Alliegiant by Veronica Roth - read / St Anne's near Blackpool. / Enjoying nature on my new improved daily fitness walks.

If you're based in or around the North West then put Towneley Hall on your places to visit, it's a beautiful historic hall, and people can go inside for a small fee. The gardens are stunning with lovely hidden walks in the little forest nearby and a park for the little ones - remember to bring some bread for the ducks.

Rowley Lake  / St Anne's / Shopping trips. It's my son's birthday next week and we picked up this top for him - he's completely obsessed with beans and eats them for dinner every single day. He refuses to eat anything else. And some Summer essentials for my daughter. Both from George top - £3.00 in sale and shoes were full price at just £9.00

Earrings I won from New Love Studio / New Summer read started today 28/07 and almost complete / Testing lots of new products, mainly Makeup Revolution - oh yeah! / Eventually opened my new palette after being stuck in a drawer for months - love this piece of gorgeousness.

Please enter my European giveaway to win a charm bracelet (from the selection) of your choice. Ends on the 8th of August. Enter here.

I'd love to know the exciting things you've been up to. Let me know in the comments below!


  1. That Stila Palette looks gorgeous! Ooh Ben & Jerry's! *_*

    Sheri | Behind The Frames

    1. It's so pretty, I can't get enough of it. Just to make it clear the ice cream was over a month, I have indulged more then I usually would. Again, blame the sunshine x

  2. Mhhhhm...ben and jerrys is just too delicious... x

    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog

  3. I really want to try the Greek Style Ben & Jerry's. xx


    1. It's so delicious. It makes me feel a bit better that it frozen yogurt lol. The small pots are a £1.00 at Asda at the minute, perfect opportunity to pick up the three available :) xx

  4. I love seeing pics from the UK. I'm from the states and I wish I lived over there!

    xx Alyson
    Beauty Vanity

    1. I think we all wish we lived anywhere apart from where we do. I visited Florida in 2005 and loved it, I really want to travel to the states again and explore some more :) xx

  5. Looks like you had a great week! And the palette looks so nice. Lovely post

    Zara x

    1. It was. Just glad I made the most of the sunshine because the weather isn't half as good now! x


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read every single one of them. If you have any queries don't hesitate to email me at or for a more prompt reply, head on over to Twitter or Instagram @ABritishSparkle.

Much love
Kate ♥