
Saturday, 14 October 2017

Life | Where I'm at ♥

Wow. It feels quite bizarre to be sat here writing on my little space on the internet again, and yet feels so completely natural. It's quite apparent that I've taken some time off of blogging, too much actually and it's now over two months later. Last time I wrote on my blog I was adamant that I was definitely going to get back into the swing of things and hopefully deliver some great content, life then got a little (a lot) hectic and the blog was once again brushed under the rug. I'd love to say I'm finally back but I don't want to give false hope when life is still crazy busy. We can hope though right?! Without rambling too much lets get on to my life update...

Home life
 I've always been intrigued by palm readers and someone being able to tell me things they couldn't possibly know and after hearing that there was one in a local market that was really good I made my way over. You don't book nor tell them your name. I've been wanting to move house for quite sometime now, so imagine not even looking anywhere for a house and the palm reader telling you that my house situation will soon sort itself out and the next day being contacted by a friends sister asking if I was interested in viewing a house, which happens to be where I now live. Yes, I moved house and it still looks like I moved in yesterday over a month later. 

Just to add that palm reader told me things not even my closest of friends even know. Crazy!

So between finding out I was moving and actually moving and needing to pack everything up alongside looking after 3 children (Summer half-term) and needing to be out by the end of the month, I had a two week holiday to Cornwall. A stay-cation was more practical due to having a young baby and needing everything and the kitchen sink to pack.

The Kid's
My baby girl's not long since turned 6 months and she's blossoming and her personality is shining through. The weaning began within the past week and she's blowing raspberries all the time. My son is doing really well at school and they've stopped the meetings regarding how he's dealing with his autism alongside learning at school because of how great he's doing. My first Princess is doing exceptional having recently gone into year 1 and really loves school and learning. She can be hard work at time's, little miss attitude, and it's like sometimes having a 13 year old in a 6 year old's body. 
I'm well, anxiety is up and down and I find myself questioning thing's a lot. It's like a battle with my own mind, half my brain knows there isn't a problem and yet the other half is trying to tell me there is. Social Anxiety is definitely hit and miss, mainly miss. I'm trying to find the courage to contact someone regarding restarting my driving lessons again, but for me, personally, that's the most nerve-wracking part and it's only once I'm into it I feel more comfortable. The change to driving makes me nervous and I struggle so much with on the spot questions and that. Hopefully I'm just worrying for the hell of it and it's all plain sailing.
The Blog
I really want to get into blogging again and although I do still love it I've got a lot going on in my home life that needs sorting out. I've got so much to write about; my trip to Cornwall, restaurant reviews, weekend in London, family life, etc. I've bought a Nikon DCLR and upgraded my phone to a Samsung S8 for some great quality photo's. The end of the years fast approaching and it's important to me that I deliver the content that I want to deliver before the years out. I want to get my blog redesigned for a more professional look. My blog was originally more beauty based and there will be the odd beauty review but I'm definitely going to be heading towards more Family and Lifestyle posts. I picked up a beauty advent calendar recently and will be unboxing that on the blog every few days on the run up to Christmas for sure. I'm excited for what's to come, hopefully soon and I hope you come along on this new journey with me. I'm not sure when my next post will be, but I'm on Twitter and Instagram at @abritishsparkle more at the moment, please come and say hi. I've also got Hello World Live tickets for in two weeks time and can't wait to share with you the going's on. 

I hope you are all well and hopefully I will see you soon.

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Much love
Kate ♥